So - and not intended as being argumentative, just something that stuck out to me - In 19 minutes while scoring 3 points and collecting zero assists and zero rebounds Dunlap was -1. In 22 minutes while scoring 5 points and with 9 (!) rebounds and 3 assists Smith was +1.
What do we make of that? Defense? Who they were on the floor with and when?
Plus/minus in basketball has always been a strange stat to me. My own back-of-the-envelope method is to give you the points you score, one point for positive things that relate to possession (rebounds, steals), minus one point for negative things that relate to possession (turnovers), and two points for things that relate directly to points (assists, blocks). Obviously that doesn't consider many aspects of defense.
But by my (totally amateur) metric, on that stats above Dunlap would get a 3 and Smith would get a 20 (17 point difference) but the plus/minus is a 2 point difference. Does that mean Dunlap's defense is a plus 15 as compared to Smith? Not to my eye, which is all I have for defense (since I am not sold on any of the defense metrics I've seen).
There are so many advanced metrics in basketball these days that I don't know what to make of anything. But I've always felt that plus/minus is overrated in basketball. Hockey is another story.
I think our Society and Sports fans in particular have gone Bat SH-T crazy over statistics .
In Baseball it has come to rule the playing of the game . Hitters who can barely hit 220 and strike out over 100 times and hit 40 home runs are regarded as Stars .
Back in the day , when Baseball flourished , a 220 hitter would be in the Minors , not the Majors . No matter how many HR’s he hit .
Same with Pitching today . Guys who pitch 5 innings and get a no decision are praised .
Tom Seaver , Bob Gibson , Koufax , and countless others would laugh at a 5 inning pitcher .
Strikeouts , Wins , Losses , Innings pitched , are still and should be the definitive measurement of the Skill of the Pitcher .
We are heading to a point where Pitchers today aren’t going to Win 100 games .
Basketball Stats to me , are the same as they have been for 100 years . Scoring average , Rebounds, Assists , Steals Blocks , minutes played are
still the gold standard for evaluating performance
Hockey is a whole different case and I’m
Not going to get into that .