SJUFAN2 post=437211 said:
MJDinkins post=437200
Beast of the East post=437168 said:
If you think about it though, if the vaccine is so effective, anyone who is vaccinated should care one bit about people who aren't vaccinated. After all we are told it's the unvaccinated that are at risk and not the vaccinated.
Agree. If you're vaccinated then you should be fine, right? So, no reason to concern yourselves with people who aren't vaccinated.
That's an extremely selfish, self centered and myopic perspective. The virus mutates when it replicates so every time one unvaccinated person passes it to another the virus has a chance to evolve into something current vaccinations don't protect the vaccinated from. Case in point, the delta variant.
Think of it this way. You live in a community out west and its fire season and you have a drought. 60% of the community has stopped using their charcoal grills and fire pits to avoid setting the state on fire. The remaining 40% are burning trash in an open barrel in their back yards and planning a fireworks show for the weekend. Would you be concerned with the 40% if you were in the 60%?
Viruses mutate constantly, which many times the mutation is weaker and minute that one never is aware of its mutation. For an example, the flu virus is constantly mutating and changing, which is why doctors recommend people get the flu vaccine every year. It's a vaccine that I've never had and I've also never had the flu. The Covid virus has also been mutating for a year.
Secondly, I've had Covid (I had it March of 2020). I felt like I was dealing with allergy symptoms as I occasionally deal with allergies, particularly around late February and early April as that's when he pollen levels are high in my area. The allergy symptoms lingered for about two or three days before I lost my ability to taste and smell. I lost my ability to taste and smell for three days and then it fairly quickly subsided. I dealt with a dry cough for about 1 1/2 weeks afterwards, and woke up one morning and it was gone.
Here's the thing: I'll take my chances and continue to build my immune system naturally than to take a trial shot at this juncture. I often exercise, eat fairly well, drink my share of water, and take supplements, vitamins and natural herbs. This is a country (supposedly) built on freedom and right of choice, and not have to be badgered and ostracized for not wanting to take a vaccine shot. If people want to wait a year, two years or more before they deciding to take it (or, if they ever take it at all), then that is their right, as well as it should be.