Homeland And All Things Maher

No, they warm the slice then pile on cold pizza cheese that completely covers the slice. It’s a huntington thing I think. Not for me.
That sums it up and the hot cheese on the life starts melting the lower level of the cold cheese

One of the great unrealized talents Richard Farina (tilde over the “n”), died very young in a motorcycle accident in Manhattan in 1966. He is playing an Appalachian or mountain dulcimer, accompanied by his wife and musical partner on guitar and vocals, Mimi. Separated connection to Dylan, she is Joan Baez’s sister. The song was written by a third Baez sister, Pauline.
For any readers, Farina wrote an acclaimed and interesting novel “Been Down So Long Looks Up To Me” set in the early years 60’s counterculture.
Portnoy is a good guy. He helped raise a lot of money for family owned restaurants during the Covid which allowed them to stay open.

I know the owner of L’incontro restaurant in Astoria. He tells the story of how Portnoy featured his place and it really helped him get through those times. The place is still open and thriving today. It may not have been otherwise.
Portnoy is a good guy. He helped raise a lot of money for family owned restaurants during the Covid which allowed them to stay open.

I know the owner of L’incontro restaurant in Astoria. He tells the story of how Portnoy featured his place and it really helped him get through those times. The place is still open and thriving today. It may not have been otherwise.
And a huge buddy of Repole
I just renewed my AppleTV subscription after almost 3 years to watch Severence season 2.

What else should I watch?
Hey whats with the cold pizza? I was there a week ago for a few slices and all these young kids are asking for slices with cold cheese? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?😂😂 if they like mozzarella they should go to an Italian Deli and get the fresh made stuff. .

It's like whoever first put salt on chocolate. Seems like a huge turnoff, but then you try it and it's not bad. In fact, it's pretty good.

The absolute legendary blues man Big Joe Williams showing how it’s done; no fancy equipment, just (to me) to be awed raw human talent. For those interested that is the equally legendary Willie Dixon on standup bass and Williams is playing a 9 string guitar.