Homeland And All Things Maher

The absolute legendary blues man Big Joe Williams showing how it’s done; no fancy equipment, just (to me) to be awed raw human talent. For those interested that is the equally legendary Willie Dixon on standup bass and Williams is playing a 9 string guitar.

There’s always that discussion of an actor who’s perfect for a role, no one else could play it…I’m halfway through season 2 of the old Twin Peaks and Agent Cooper could not have been played by anyone other than Kyle MacLachlan.
There’s always that discussion of an actor who’s perfect for a role, no one else could play it…I’m halfway through season 2 of the old Twin Peaks and Agent Cooper could not have been played by anyone other than Kyle MacLachlan.

FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper remains one of the greatest TV characters of all time.

If this is your first go-around with Twin Peaks, you can pretty much skip the second half of Season 2 (it's kinda weird, kinda dreadful) and go straight to the season finale.

Twin Peaks Reaction GIF
FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper remains one of the greatest TV characters of all time.

If this is your first go-around with Twin Peaks, you can pretty much skip the second half of Season 2 (it's kinda weird, kinda dreadful) and go straight to the season finale.

Twin Peaks Reaction GIF
It is my first time and I’m 2 episodes past the Laura Palmer reveal and outcome and can tell it’s getting a little hokie, for lack of a better word. I’m gonna stick through it though to the end, watch the movie and the return season.

It’s definitely got soap opera written all over it but done by David Lynch it feels like a homage to, a criticism of, a send up of and an actual representation of a soap opera all wrapped into one. And, of course, it’s weird parts which I do enjoy. Oh, also doesn’t hurt that almost every woman on the show is a knockout. Lynch always had an eye for that.
It is my first time and I’m 2 episodes past the Laura Palmer reveal and outcome and can tell it’s getting a little hokie, for lack of a better word. I’m gonna stick through it though to the end, watch the movie and the return season.

It’s definitely got soap opera written all over it but done by David Lynch it feels like a homage to, a criticism of, a send up of and an actual representation of a soap opera all wrapped into one. And, of course, it’s weird parts which I do enjoy.

Oh wow. I'm kind of jealous someone is experiencing this show for the first time.

As Coop said: "I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange."

Spent a fair amount of time on business in New Orleans through 2015; attached are two of the very best busking bands I saw there. Both are still active and I believe still play the streets in New Orleans at times, but both have graduated to indoor gigs. Tuba Skinny especially as they have toured the US and Europe.
Completed season two of “Night Agent”. Entertaining. I generally enjoy shows revolving around spies.

There are some good fight scenes, which doesn’t always involve what looks to be a pair of black belts in Mixed Martial Arts. They showed fights in alleys where someone smashes another in the face with the lid of a garbage can.

Good stuff.
Re: Eva Cassidy - never listened to her music but interestingly I had a few opportunities in mid '90's through to spend time with her father, Hugh Cassidy at his home in Maryland to discuss strength training through a coach friend who knew him for many years.. Hugh was one of the world's best powerlifters and US National Champ in early 1970's. Some of his lifts are still elite level.
(800 lbs squat, 570 lbs bench press, 790 lbs deadlift)

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Logen -- ever listen to, or see, Eva Cassidy, given who you post about here, I thought you might?

She was incredible (R.I.P, passed away way too soon). D.C. area performer who sang songs in the jazz, Americana, roots genre.

Never saw her perform but familiar, not remotely intimate, with her music; tremendously talented and ultra versatile, she was truly able to immerse herself in whatever genre she was singing. I have read several times her utter refusal to commit to one genre was what prevented her from signing a major record deal. She also painted, the also eclectic combination of murals and furniture if I remember correctly.
She was a major talent, no question. LOVE her rendition of Over The Rainbow, maybe my second favorite after Livingston Taylor, which for some reason just really gets to me in its melodic simplicity.
Thank you for posting Fields Of Gold, do not believe I’ve heard it before, just great!!
Logen -- ever listen to, or see, Eva Cassidy, given who you post about here, I thought you might?

She was incredible (R.I.P, passed away way too soon). D.C. area performer who sang songs in the jazz, Americana, roots genre.

When we lived in central Jersey I used to listen to WXPN, the U Penn college station. That is where I heard Eva's rendition of Fields of Gold. Immediately went out and bought her CD Songbird which had a number of really good songs besides Fields of Gold. Great talent who I only became familiar with after she passed.

Spent a fair amount of time on business in New Orleans through 2015; attached are two of the very best busking bands I saw there. Both are still active and I believe still play the streets in New Orleans at times, but both have graduated to indoor gigs. Tuba Skinny especially as they have toured the US and Europe.

You won’t believe this ! We love smoking time jazz club ! I have a bunch of their cds. We saw them a long time ago on our first trip to Nola and they were playing outside on that street that runs parallel to bourbon. We go see them everytime we are in Nola at the spotted cat or Maison.
Great, really fun time band!! Haven’t been to Nawlins since before Covid; way overdue.
I think I might have even brought Redstormrising to see them when we played Tulane. There was another band we loved who’s name escapes me ( not as good as Smoking tine but I’ll send you the maje when we get home

So BrookJersey Redmen’s post about Eva Cassidy triggered this for me, legendary San Diego rock and rollers that just never made it big nationally. I had the pleasure of seeing them in Southern California in the 80s and they were a unique very tight rocking bar band.