(EXHIBITION) @Rutgers, Thu., Oct. 17, 6:30p, BTN

I'm on CET so 8:45 pm here. Will look forward to reading all the comments when we wake up in the a.m. Will be back in time for the Towson game I think lol. Go Johnnies!!
Why? Because you are the one with ‘glaring issues with the preview.’
Correct but as a non fan of Rutgers, why would I waste my time. The comment was meant for this site which for some unknown reason, you took exception to. That’s why I figured you were more of a fan of the Rutgers organization?
Correct but as a non fan of Rutgers, why would I waste my time. The comment was meant for this site which for some unknown reason, you took exception to. That’s why I figured you were more of a fan of the Rutgers organization?
No exception at all. You had a direct reply to my post to the preview video, hence my reply to your post. Also proof that figuring may not be a strength of yours.
No exception at all. You had a direct reply to my post to the preview video, hence my reply to your post. Also proof that figuring may not be a strength of yours.
The issue here seems to be your inability to separate the criticism of the content of a preview and not the individual who posted it. I’ll just attribute that to maturity or lack there of.
Looking to see the improvement of many and getting off to a quick start. Go Johnnies. Yankee fan as well but Johnnies are a priority here. Will record Yanks….. I can multi task..😂