(EXHIBITION) @Rutgers, Thu., Oct. 17, 6:30p, BTN

Announcers and journalists should be objective. They can push the big ten agenda and be honest about both teams.
It is not mutually exclusive.

Two things, neither guy is a play by play guy by trade. Both are traditionally color guys so the play by play was awful and the legwork necessary to make it less so looks like it was barely done. Also these guys are not journalists, they're paid employees of the Big Ten. As such they are propagandists, kind of like home team baseball announcers on local coverage, or Jerry Jones' radio show hosts. With those two situations in play we got what I expected out of them after just a minute or two of watching.
So for all those who take exception with fans like me who took the game last night seriously, you know, the “it was only an exhibition” crowd; did you ever stop to ponder that when a team takes that approach it may contribute to a slow start, a loss early to a weak team that stands out like a sore thumb later in the year, a team like say a Michigan or BC.
Funny, most of the criticism was about playing the right way and most of the “gee, those posts didn’t age well” after the win was because the team closed the game out playing the right way. Go figure……
Two things, neither guy is a play by play guy by trade. Both are traditionally color guys so the play by play was awful and the legwork necessary to make it less so looks like it was barely done. Also these guys are not journalists, they're paid employees of the Big Ten. As such they are propagandists, kind of like home team baseball announcers on local coverage, or Jerry Jones' radio show hosts. With those two situations in play we got what I expected out of them after just a minute or two of watching.
It was a comically one sided call which was expected on the B10 Network and a Rutgers alumnus on the color. Regardless I found them to be respectful with the agenda that they're inclined to push.
I think what Pitino said in the post game presser was spot on. A huge part in determining how successful this team will be is the development of a back up center to either spell Zuby or allow him to slide over to the 4 and go big. Either Vince, Prey or Maker are going to have to develop enough to be serviceable for stretches of the game. Hopefully, before conference play starts.
This is true because Zuby will frequently be in foul trouble. The Rutgers centers had no offensive game. Someone has to become more than serviceable.
So for all those who take exception with fans like me who took the game last night seriously, you know, the “it was only an exhibition” crowd; did you ever stop to ponder that when a team takes that approach it may contribute to a slow start, a loss early to a weak team that stands out like a sore thumb later in the year, a team like say a Michigan or BC.
Funny, most of the criticism was about playing the right way and most of the “gee, those posts didn’t age well” after the win was because the team closed the game out playing the right way. Go figure……
I find many of game post don’t age well.

Your comment on about the approach is something that really bugs me regarding another team (Yankees) and their approach to spring training games. Your players, no matter how long there are in the game should play like the game matters, work on their game approach and not just get their work in. It develops good habits and repetition.

My comments regarding the exhibition game being that the overall results and stats don’t mean nothing but as I stated in my post, the way they fought back and won it at the end bodes well for the future. A good building block.
We won the game and Kadary was a factor in the 2nd half. That we were able to survive a 22-0 run shows the resilience this team has. Pitino is well aware of what Kadary can do. I believe he was looking to see how the rest of the team would respond. Smith and Wilcher came on in the second half. I believe that the reason was they learned from the first half and our Coach made some adjustments.
Being 362 out of 362 is not a relevant stat. Real question is how many games has Pitino lost by following this rule. Moreover, he is a better coach than all but ten or so of those 361 coaches.
Didn't get to see the game but don't disagree at all with the strategy of taking out a key player who picks up a second foul in first half for all or most of that half depending on when it happens. This is not controversial imho.
I find many of game post don’t age well.

Your comment on about the approach is something that really bugs me regarding another team (Yankees) and their approach to spring training games. Your players, no matter how long there are in the game should play like the game matters, work on their game approach and not just get their work in. It develops good habits and repetition.

My comments regarding the exhibition game being that the overall results and stats don’t mean nothing but as I stated in my post, the way they fought back and won it at the end bodes well for the future. A good building block.
I agree they don’t age well because they are commented on at a point in time and then later referred to taken out of context of the moment they are posted.
Mental mistakes are mental mistakes, dumb play is dumb play, lack of attention to detail is what it is, and just because they are overcome, don’t contribute to a loss or come back to haunt you, doesn’t make the reaction to them any less relevant.
And then, sometimes, some comments, are 100% talking out of your a$$ PO’d venting to keep your foot away from the dog! 😂
Guilty, your honor!!
If that's his strategy, he's the coach.
As for Kadary and his 2nd foul, please note that Rutgers has a great freshman who's NBA ready physically and who is skilled at attacking opposing players with foul trouble.
Kadary could have easily picked up his 3rd foul against a player like Dylan Harper.
Not that it relates to this situation but Rick said in the presser he played the first half like exhibition giving guys minutes and the sevond half to win.
I don’t get the complaints about the announcers. I think they did a great job FOR THE BIG TEN NETWORK. Clearly their announcing was biased but was that not to be expected? Especially with all the hype surrounding Rutgers recruited class.
Putting aside their bias, they were terrible just being announcers- on more than one occasion they were so busy just spewing verbose platitudes about the Big Ten and Rutgers that they did not pay any attention to the game saying who scored or got the rebound. The first job of announcers is to inform the public of what is happening the game.