"I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when I see it". Michael Bloomberg on Donald Trump. This one sentence says it all.
So why then would he speak at a convention that conned an electorate by trying to manipulaye the results.
Who con their followers into believing that they are for blacks, latinos, or gays but mock those groups in private emails.
Who want to help the poor but ate against school vouchers that would help those most motivated to break the cycle of poverty to choose great schools
Who would without evidence try to deflect attention away from the content of their emails by saying the russians hacked their server.
Whi would then tell you that their candidate who expised classified emails to a private server that was much less secure did nothing wrong as she jeopardized national security.
Whose backers are now screaming tgat Trump is a criminal for suggesting that Russia has the 33,000 emails that Clinton deleted before the FBI Could review them
Who spend for days telling you how great things are even as terrorist acts are being committed every three days.
Who.dont mention that honest, innocent police are being targeted and ambushed in our streets.
Who try to tell you the evonomy is great even as 40% of young black men are unemployed and that anyone over the age ofb50 who is laid off will never find a job at the same level again.
Who 4 years ago told us they killed Bin Laden and that al qaeda was on the run and isil was the junior varsity.
Who 2 weeks ago john kerry said the latest terrorist attack was a sign that isis is desperate and losing the war on terror.
Who claimed tgey could vette syrian refugees only for us to discover tgat it takes 20 fbi ahents to vette a single oerson and that syrians destroy their identification making them.untraceable.
Who take yours and mine tax dollars to provide free education and health services for those who cross the borders illegally and refuse to acknowledge the liss of tax revenue by millions of illegals working off the books
Who try to convince you that abortion has everything to do with womens health and those against abortion hate women.
Who have nominated a candidate who has lied about everything her entire life, including about her husband.
Who has a candidate who claims she will stop the greed 9f wall street even as she raked in millions of dollars from them in "speaking fees" designed to buy influence. Same from foreign entities.
Yes, trump is the con man. Just ask Liawatha eluzabeth watren.