Donald Trump's Acceptance Speech

Tough speech by Bloomberg tonight. He would have been my favorite candidate in a long time to vote for if he had run for president

"I know what it's like to have neither party fully represent my views or values. Too many Republicans wrongly blame immigrants for our problems, and they stand in the way of action on climate change and gun violence. Meanwhile, many Democrats wrongly blame the private sector for our problems, and they stand in the way of action on education reform and deficit reduction."
"I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when I see it". Michael Bloomberg on Donald Trump. This one sentence says it all.
"I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when I see it". Michael Bloomberg on Donald Trump. This one sentence says it all.

So why then would he speak at a convention that conned an electorate by trying to manipulate the results.


Who con their followers into believing that they are for blacks, Latinos, or gays but mock those groups in private emails.

Who want to help the poor but are against school vouchers that would help those most motivated to break the cycle of poverty to choose great schools

Who would without evidence try to deflect attention away from the content of their emails by saying the russians hacked their server.

Who would then tell you that their candidate did nothing wrong who exposed classified emails to a private server that was much less secure, as she jeopardized national security.

Whose backers are now screaming that Trump is a criminal for suggesting that Russia has the 33,000 emails that Clinton deleted before the FBI Could review them

Who spend for days telling you how great things are even as terrorist acts are being committed every three days by Islamic terrorists. They would rather tell you those things are about gun control.

Who don't mention that honest, innocent police are being targeted and ambushed in our streets.

Who try to tell you the economy is great even as 40% of young black men are unemployed and that anyone over the age of 50 who is laid off will never find a job at the same level again.

Who 4 years ago crowed that they killed Bin Laden and that Al Qaeda was on the run and Isil (not Isis) was the junior varsity.

Who 2 weeks ago John Kerry said the latest terrorist attack was a sign that Isil is desperate and losing the war on terror.

Who claimed they could vette Syrian refugees only for us to discover that it takes 20 FBI agents to vette a single person and that Syrians destroy their identification making them.untraceable.

Who take yours and mine tax dollars to provide free education and health services for those who cross the borders illegally and refuse to acknowledge the loss of tax revenue by millions of illegals working off the books

Who try to convince you that abortion has everything to do with women's health and those against abortion hate women.

Who have nominated a candidate who has lied about everything her entire life, including about her husband.

Who has a candidate who claims she will stop the greed ff wall street even as she raked in millions of dollars from them in "speaking fees" designed to buy influence. Same from foreign entities.

Who told us Obamacare would reduce healthcare costs by 25%. Instead they've increased by 33% and growing, all while they penalize those who don't sign up for benefits.

Yes, trump is the con man. Just ask Liawatha Elizabeth Warren.
"I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when I see it". Michael Bloomberg on Donald Trump. This one sentence says it all.

So why then would he speak at a convention that conned an electorate by trying to manipulaye the results.


Who con their followers into believing that they are for blacks, latinos, or gays but mock those groups in private emails.

Who want to help the poor but ate against school vouchers that would help those most motivated to break the cycle of poverty to choose great schools

Who would without evidence try to deflect attention away from the content of their emails by saying the russians hacked their server.

Whi would then tell you that their candidate who expised classified emails to a private server that was much less secure did nothing wrong as she jeopardized national security.

Whose backers are now screaming tgat Trump is a criminal for suggesting that Russia has the 33,000 emails that Clinton deleted before the FBI Could review them

Who spend for days telling you how great things are even as terrorist acts are being committed every three days.

Who.dont mention that honest, innocent police are being targeted and ambushed in our streets.

Who try to tell you the evonomy is great even as 40% of young black men are unemployed and that anyone over the age ofb50 who is laid off will never find a job at the same level again.

Who 4 years ago told us they killed Bin Laden and that al qaeda was on the run and isil was the junior varsity.

Who 2 weeks ago john kerry said the latest terrorist attack was a sign that isis is desperate and losing the war on terror.

Who claimed tgey could vette syrian refugees only for us to discover tgat it takes 20 fbi ahents to vette a single oerson and that syrians destroy their identification making them.untraceable.

Who take yours and mine tax dollars to provide free education and health services for those who cross the borders illegally and refuse to acknowledge the liss of tax revenue by millions of illegals working off the books

Who try to convince you that abortion has everything to do with womens health and those against abortion hate women.

Who have nominated a candidate who has lied about everything her entire life, including about her husband.

Who has a candidate who claims she will stop the greed 9f wall street even as she raked in millions of dollars from them in "speaking fees" designed to buy influence. Same from foreign entities.

Yes, trump is the con man. Just ask Liawatha eluzabeth watren.

They are all liars and con men/women. On both sides. Trump, Hillary, Obama, etc. All of them. It's the nature of the beast(no pun). You don't rise to a high level in politics without bullshiting people. Yet the Dems want you t believe "we're the honest ones". Yeah, right.
Listen to the voicemails and read the emails that were leaked, if that doesn't convince you that they are so full of......nothing will. The nation has become a country of blind sheep, republican bad democrats good and vice versa. I know one thing, if these voicemails and emails were leaked were from trump or any other republican it would be a far bigger story it goes to show how complicit the media is.
"I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when I see it". Michael Bloomberg on Donald Trump. This one sentence says it all.
Mike was a registered Democrat
Then he became a Republican to run for Mayor of NYC
After being re-elected, he became an Independent
And now, full circle, he's speaking at the DNC]Trump confronts Bloomberg after DNC speech, gets last word[/url]
The ones that scare me are the ones who trigger my Weimar Constitution emergency clause memories, the clause that was used to bring Hitler to dictatorial power after the Reichstag fire. In this race the only two candidates who evoked those memories were Trump and Cruz, and except for those two, I think any other Republican could have beaten Hillary.
The ones that scare me are the ones who trigger my Weimar Constitution emergency clause memories, the clause that was used to bring Hitler to dictatorial power after the Reichstag fire. In this race the only two candidates who evoked those memories were Trump and Cruz, and except for those two, I think any other Republican could have beaten Hillary.

Donald Trump is clearly unfit for the office.

But comparing him to Hitler or the majority of his followers to the Nazis has always been ludicrous and does disservice to those who have suffered under true fascism.
"I'm a New Yorker and I know a con when I see it". Michael Bloomberg on Donald Trump. This one sentence says it all.
Mike was a registered Democrat
Then he became a Republican to run for Mayor of NYC
After being re-elected, he became an Independent
And now, full circle, he's speaking at the DNC]Trump confronts Bloomberg after DNC speech, gets last word[/url]

The only problem I have with Bloomberg's rant against Trump is that if the esteemed Mayor Bloomberg wanted to deliver a positive message about Trum, he would not have been welcomed to speak at the DNC.

Trump for his part, did not demand anything from Cruz to allow him to speak, and didn't scratch him even after Cruz chose to give a self serving speech that did nothing for party unity. The Dems certainly circle the wagons much better than the Republicans.
The ones that scare me are the ones who trigger my Weimar Constitution emergency clause memories, the clause that was used to bring Hitler to dictatorial power after the Reichstag fire. In this race the only two candidates who evoked those memories were Trump and Cruz, and except for those two, I think any other Republican could have beaten Hillary.

My thoughts exactly.

If Trump is elected, run for cover if you hear the Capital is on fire.
The ones that scare me are the ones who trigger my Weimar Constitution emergency clause memories, the clause that was used to bring Hitler to dictatorial power after the Reichstag fire. In this race the only two candidates who evoked those memories were Trump and Cruz, and except for those two, I think any other Republican could have beaten Hillary.

Donald Trump is clearly unfit for the office.

But comparing him to Hitler or the majority of his followers to the Nazis has always been ludicrous and does disservice to those who have suffered under true fascism.

You must have missed the attached Trumper ad. Take a close look, those guys in the the bottom red stripe of the flag are not US Marines. Hint, they are dressed in Waffen SS uniforms.

If not a NAZI, how about we just call him a FACIST?

Julie Andrews began one of her Songs "Let's start at the very beginning...It's a very good place to start."

Not quite the beginning, but there is so much dirt on Hillary that the old stuff never gets mentioned. In the mainstream media, neither does the new stuff, so it's fun to recollect:

Of the wikileaked documents are Hillary's travel demands for a 20 minute speaking engagement - standard fee $225,000. I guess she gave a very special talk to Goldman Sachs to earn $650,000. Also, of interest in her additional fees for speaking engagements is a stenographer to document the speech, which she wouldn't release to the contracting group. So much for, "I don't know where the speeches are."

Well at least she is consistent in her Liberal enviromental concern hypocrisy. She demands a private jet to be fown to the speaking event.

Harry S Truman: No man can get rich in politics unless he's a crook. It cannot be done.
The ones that scare me are the ones who trigger my Weimar Constitution emergency clause memories, the clause that was used to bring Hitler to dictatorial power after the Reichstag fire. In this race the only two candidates who evoked those memories were Trump and Cruz, and except for those two, I think any other Republican could have beaten Hillary.

Donald Trump is clearly unfit for the office.

But comparing him to Hitler or the majority of his followers to the Nazis has always been ludicrous and does disservice to those who have suffered under true fascism.

You must have missed the attached Trumper ad. Take a close look, those guys in the the bottom red stripe of the flag are not US Marines. Hint, they are dressed in Waffen SS uniforms.

If not a NAZI, how about we just call him a FACIST?

Maybe Herr Trump isn't very familiar or adept with the Interwebs or Photoshop

Fortunately, we do not live in the Weimar Republic (they had money to burn!). Our Constitution has a solution for despots, it is the next bullet point right after all that speech/assembly/petition stuff.
her speech tonight was phonier than the nigerian long lost unless died and left you inheritance email scam
Hahahaha.......I almost spit my water out when Chelsea spoke about her speaking up for lbgt and women's rights around the world! Guess if your a country that executes homosexuals and don't allow women to vote it's ok as long as you keep signing those checks to the foundation.
The most disgusting politics ever is now in full engagement mode. The father of a military veteran who delivers a speech written by party operatives designed to defame the opposing party's candidate is just a political pawn whether he knows it or not. He is simply a chess piece and nothing more - the Clinton campaign knew that he could deliver the ultimate attack piece and be immune from any response because the press would jump on any response from Trump and pervert it for their purpose.

A parent of a solider who made the ultimate sacrifice should have been more concerned with servicemen who spoke at the DNC who were subject to "No more war!" derisive chants, even to a speaker who had lost limbs in combat. Disgusting partisan politics at its worst.