In contrast, Clinton--as pock-marked as she may be--would manage through the minefield, not blow up the country or the world, initiate a more aggressive and badly-needed infrastructure program that would grow the economy and set it on the road where the basic principle of democracy can be re-established: that of the right to vote.
Trump would be hydrochloric acid on an open wound.
Telling ya...
Clinton manage the minefield? Working with Obama, she created the minefield of Isis. The Obama administraiton likes to speak about what they inherited. Well, in the middle east they inherited an Iraq that due to a Bush ordered surge - that both Clinton and Obama voted down and criticized, had secured 18 of 22 provinces. They "drew a red line" for Assad not to cross, and when he did just that, did nothing. Clinton and Obama supported the rebels overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya, and ISIS moved in to establish a stronghold. They announced a pullout from Iraw and bungled an orderly security transfer to Iraqi forces after they inherited a newly minted democracy there. Iraq is now a mess. We won't even speak about Benghazi, because never before in US military history did a President not send troops to aid an embassy under siege simply not to create a political mess while fighting for his re-election. You can go on and on.
Hillary's economic plan is to increase spending and increase taxes. Benjamin Franklin once said that no nation cannot tax itself into prosperity. The debt is staggering, but liberals are only concerned about the debt service on the deficit. When inflationary times return, the fed government will be unable to pay the debt and our economy will collapse.
The left likes to quote Thomas Jefferson, but ignores this quote:
“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”
― Thomas Jefferson
Here is another:
It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half of the wars of the world.
Thomas Jefferson
I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson
The left's idea of expanding government entitlements, like medicaid and weffare, even for those who are able bodied and have never worked, and for those who are here illegally, falls into that category. The left ignores existing immigration laws and favors open borders, all to expand the democratic voting tent. Unbelievably, there are states that allow illegal immigrant non-citizens to vote. All unconstitutional, but with a supreme court about to tilt to the left, all bets are off in enforcing the Constitution.
To top it off, Hillary Clinton has led a life of corruption. I love her position now on outsourcing jobs and manufacturing, criticizing Donald Trump clothing made in China. Well, if she had to remove every foreign made article of clothing she wears, including her $15,000 designer pant suits that hide her widened waistline (even multiple plastics surgeries cannot hide that), she'd be disgustingly naked. Not to mention that in her $275,000 paid speech in India in 2008, she supported outsourcing of jobs there.
I don't desire a Trump Presidency, but I will vote for him 1000 times before I cast a vote for Hillary.