Back to the speech, 911 reposted it online but the Trump group had sent the transcripts of all the final speakers to all the recognized media 4 hours before it was posted online. So, it was not really a leak in the true sense.
As for Israel, make no mistake about it, whether they are Republicans or Democrats, they all know that Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East. And, Israel has been accepting refugees for half a century or more. They have all been Jewish and justly so. Yes, even from Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and Russia. As for the so called Islamic refugees, it is ironic that they set their compass to Christian Europe rather than Iran or Saudi Arabia or that they are not satisfied staying closer to home in Muslim Turkey. If it were not for the huge distance in miles, we would suffer a similar fate as the French and Germans are experiencing right now. Hundreds of Thousands of mostly young Muslim men have literally invaded Europe. Like it or not, Trump is not too far off on the so-called Syrian refugees. Send the millions of dollars that would be spent here to Turkey and let them settle in an Islamic state. Having relatives and friends in Europe I can tell you many of these refugees have become a menace and since most are cowardly young men who chose to run rather than join the fight in their countries, they are now cowardly assaulting young European women and commiting the majority of crimes in the peaceful small villages where they are being housed. I have relatives that have lived in Cologne Germany for over 40 years and their daughters cannot go out at night now without male escorts as Arab men see them as Christian meat not worthy of the respect they would want for their own sisters in Syria, Iraq or even Afghanistan.
I am not a Republican and will not vote for Trump but this nut job is not too far off base with some of his off base comments.
So I guess you would rather see Hillary get elected and allow
them into our country to wreck havoc. Gotcha. :huh:
The "Them" you referenced to are not the them I referred to in my post. Believe what you wish but whomever is President will not affect the " targeted" Syrian "families" that are being vetted. None and I repeat NONE of the Islamic single men entering Europe with forged papers or none at all are the true Syrian families being considered for entry into the United States. I think peace loving immigrants of all backgrounds will always be welcomed in America regardless of what bullshit political party is in control. What is going on in Europe is very different. Most of those fleeing illegally to Europe are economic gypsy wanderers. Men looking for jobs, welfare and in many cases criminals using refugees as camouflage. Thousands of Afghan men have made their way to Germany and Sweden whilst passing through Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and yes, Syria, to blend with Syrians. These future welfare recipients did not stop in Pakistan, Iran or Turkey because they would not receive those welfare benefits from those countries. They are economic refugees taking advantage of religious extremism in their countries to illegally cross borders. They are not the political refugees the USA is looking at as possible settlers.
BTW, I did not say I was voting for Hillary.
So Europe is getting "economic refugees" terrorizing their villages and we are getting "political refugees" as "possible settlers." And you know this how; by that stringent vetting process we put in place to separate the good, the bad, and the ugly? Trump, btw, is far from a nut job, he is crazy like a fox. I would think many are going to vote for him like I am, very reluctantly, wishing for a better choice but realizing he offers a chance, albeit maybe a small one, to break up or at least shake up the elite cabal that thinks going to "Harvard" and being elected to Washington gives them the right to tell people what to think, what to say and not say, that laws of the land can be circumvented by executive order, etc. Enough inane political correctness, enough of the Nixon, Bush, Obama, Clinton clutches at "quasi dictatorship." It may be a small chance but it is a chance, a gamble I am willing to take because I know the pile of crap the Washington ruling class is selling; been smelling it for decades; been paying my share for it pretty much as long.
Logen, et al, you should do due diligence before believing any of Mr. Trump's rhetoric. It is truly a sad state our country is in when a con artist can get the Republican nomination. He proposes building a wall along the Mexican border to keep Latinos out of America. He criticizes our trade relationship with China yet contracts with them to fabricate Trump products. He is in bed with the Chinese to the extent he wants to copy their great Wall! Every year Mexican migrants have less reason to enter the United States since American and German companies have created huge economic growth zones in Northern Mexico, and around Monterey in particular. Those that do cross the border are the poorest of the poor and least educated who mow your lawn and deliver your food. Those causing havoc in France and Germany are young Muslims, non of whom claim "political asylum" when they get to Turkey, Italy or Greece. They are illegal invaders!
According to data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center, more than 3 million refugees in total have arrived in the U.S. since 1975. That's 3 million refugees in over 40 years. Europe has received over 3 million in TWO years alone.
Of the more than 40,000 refugees who have been admitted to the United States so far in 2016, the largest numbers have come from Burma (Myanmar), the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia.
The U.S. Code defines a refugee as any person outside of the U.S. that is of special humanitarian concern to the U.S. and “has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Refugees are different from asylum seekers, who meet the same definition but are already residing in the U.S. or pursuing admission at a port of entry (like the U.S.-Mexican border), according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
More recently, the ongoing conflict in Syria has displaced six-in-ten Syrians, or 12.5 million, from their homes, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of global refugee data. In September 2015, the Obama administration set a goal of resettling 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S. over the coming year. To date, just over 2,800 Syrian refugees have settled in the U.S., representing 7% of the refugees entering the country this year.
As for "economic" refugees please read the following.