Donald Trump's Acceptance Speech

I'm not a Clinton fan. She has flaws. Just nowhere close to the fatal flaws that Trump has.
The email controversy is very arbitrary. The 'timing' of what was classified and when is not known by us. Also, Powell and Rice's senior advisors also used private servers for State Department emails. But the withering focus is on Hillary, because she's a Clinton.
Bush 'lost' 30,000 emails in the Federal prosecutor termination controversy, and he and Rove deleted 2mm emails about campaign finance on the White House server. Not recounted by the media or by Republicans for context.
No, the truth is that you people are the ideologues and the attack dogs and diss the facts at every opportunity.
Last night on Wolf Blitzer's CNN show, Katrina Pierson, a Trump spokeswoman, blamed Obama and Hillary for Captain Khan's death in 2004!
That's right.
And Blitzer did not call her out for that patently absurd lie.
The media has fueled Trump's rise and are to blame for why many people still believe his lies.
Great comment today about the media's tactics: "...traffic drives profit which drives content..."
BTW, Trump lies on 61% of his comments, according to Politfacts (seems low to me!). Hillary, uh huh, gets the best grade of all the candidates for 'veracity' in her statements.
Yes, those are the facts that ideologues cannot accept.
Talking about 'living in a bubble' pal---that be you.
so, how many lies did she spew in the chris wallace interview the other night? That beacon of conservatism the wshington post rated it 4 pinnocchios which is basically a total lie from start to finish. Love how everyone goes back to bush 8 years later....hes not running for prez
so I just want to understand, you're comparing Clinton using a private email server to distribute military classified information to the bush investigation, which was primarily focused around the unjustified firing of 8 U.S. Attorney (political reasons).

BTW, the democrats are taking credit for fixing the great recession, but they forget it was Bill Clinton himself that set the stage when he loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act (1995), which put added pressure on banks to lend to low-income borrowers.

Look it up.

FYI, they both suck, the real question is do you think we are headed in the right direction... If you're okay with weak foreign policy, which includes paying off terrorists (look at IRAN 400mm payment), well Clinton is your candidate, we all know that under a republican candidate, that would have never happen. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves today.
Right and Bush &Co ruined the country and have not been called out for that nor apologized. There's no time line on that, man. He and his people deserve to be skewered into perpetuity for those crimes that the mainstream 'liberal' media hardly covered and the ideological right wing media never acknowledged.
Politicians lie and mislead. Hillary does. Sure.
But it's a fact Jack that Trump has the worst 'lies to pants on fire' grade of any of the candidates by Politifscts (most credible org doing that stuff) and Hillary, by their account, the best and by far.
Trump has the support he has because the media let his lies stand unchallenged. That's the truth. BTW, Trump has changed his media strategy: continue to do softball interviews on FOX and focus on 'local' Sinclair and Gray TV stations (right wing) that broadcast across the country.
But I know, I just hate the facts.
You hate them so much you ignore them and proceed with your half-baked 'opinions' based on the gristle inside your gut and that counts more than the facts...well just because.
I get it.
Wrong. IF that were the case, the FBI would've come down on her hard, not just call her careless.Again, we do not know the timing of when those emails were classified nor what they were. Similar sitch in Powell and Mushroom Cloud Rice's emails.
Bush's 'lost' 30,000 emails weren't 'political', it was about justified or unjustified worker dismissal by a President of people in the Justice adept. Give me a break.
And Bush and a Rove deleted 2mm emails on the White House server about 'campaign finance'.
Give me another break.
And check your facts about that Community Development Act...that just about ALL Republicans supported!
A 1995 Law to be blamed for The 2008 Crash???...overlooking 13 years of Republican -led dismantling of effective financial regulation, Bush's 3 dumb tax cuts funded by debt, his wars funded by debt (all turning an $800 billion surplus into a Trillion-plus deficit (before Obama)), Greenspan's decade-plus insane 'liquidity', the complicity of the Rating Agencies slapping AAA ratings on multi-billions of toxic waste Wall Street IBs CDOs sold to dumb Euro banks?!? That's what caused the crash, man.
You people replace facts with prejudice. Toxic recipe.
For my money Khan is a coward who attacked Trump mercilessly and then hid behind his hero son's service to make himself inmune from criticism.

The father of the dead officer whose wife was publicly insulted, whose relatives would be barred entry to the country because of the god to which they pray.

He is the coward here. Clearly.

That is such an obfuscation of the truth. Actually, if you understood, Muslims and Jews and Christians pray to the same God. That is the definition of monotheism, and all pray to the God of Abraham.

Trump wants to suspend Muslim immigration until we have a mechanism to separate peace loving Muslims from the terrorists who would slip into our borders to do harm. I don't agree with such a broad based ban, but it is not aimed against those who want to live here peacefully.

It's funny that liberals defend all Muslims, and even sharia law, when in many Muslim countries, gays are tortured and murdered because of their sexuality and murdered based on religious precepts. They ignore reports that when Ambassador Stevens was murdered, he was tortured and raped because he was openly gay. Our idiot leadership placed an openly gay man in a position of danger in a country where gays are not welcomed.

Any person with common sense would want a way to determine if some coming here form the middle east is intending to cause us harm. Terrorists slipped in among Syrian refugees in Europe perpetrated heinous crimes against humanity. A reasonable person would think there should be better policing of this here. Of course, Obama ignores that and wants to let in 50,000 refugees without an ability to vet them. Hillary is on board with this.
yes it is to blame for the 2008 crash..... how do you think they got the collateral to form all those CDO's? It all starts with reduced credit standards. BTW, Euro banks were a small portion of the holders, I recall AIG having some major problems. Not to mention other US banks that were holding the subordinate notes, Bear, Lehman, Merrill Lynch.

Also, some of the European banks were issuing CDO, deutche and Credit Swiss.

But I'm sure you will tell me I'm wrong about that.
Just because you say something is wrong, doesn't make it a fact, you're a liberal and you only see things one way.
BTW, the democrats are taking credit for fixing the great recession, but they forget it was Bill Clinton himself that set the stage when he loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act (1995), which put added pressure on banks to lend to low-income borrowers.

Look it up.

FYI, they both suck, the real question is do you think we are headed in the right direction... If you're okay with weak foreign policy, which includes paying off terrorists (look at IRAN 400mm payment), well Clinton is your candidate, we all know that under a republican candidate, that would have never happen. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves today.

You are dead on. McCain spoke strongly against the potential for catastrophic collapse of financial systems back in 2005 because of unqualified borrowers being sold risky loan instruments. By then Dems contrlled congress and his words went unheeded.
Wrong. IF that were the case, the FBI would've come down on her hard, not just call her careless.Again, we do not know the timing of when those emails were classified nor what they were. Similar sitch in Powell and Mushroom Cloud Rice's emails.
Bush's 'lost' 30,000 emails weren't 'political', it was about justified or unjustified worker dismissal by a President of people in the Justice adept. Give me a break.
And Bush and a Rove deleted 2mm emails on the White House server about 'campaign finance'.
Give me another break.
And check your facts about that Community Development Act...that just about ALL Republicans supported!
A 1995 Law to be blamed for The 2008 Crash???...overlooking 13 years of Republican -led dismantling of effective financial regulation, Bush's 3 dumb tax cuts funded by debt, his wars funded by debt (all turning an $800 billion surplus into a Trillion-plus deficit (before Obama)), Greenspan's decade-plus insane 'liquidity', the complicity of the Rating Agencies slapping AAA ratings on multi-billions of toxic waste Wall Street IBs CDOs sold to dumb Euro banks?!? That's what caused the crash, man.
You people replace facts with prejudice. Toxic recipe.

Are you kidding? FBI Director James Comey read a litany of indictable offenses by Hillary, then said there would be no charges pressed, but warned that any one else doing these things should not think they wouldn't be prosecuted. The fix was by all means in at that point. Why do you think Obama campaigned with her before the FBI announced its findings? Because the liberal Democratic party is crooked as hell, as evidenced multiple times, including the DNC emails trying to rig their own primary process.

On an related note, it's complete reckless and irresponsible for a sitting PResident to come out so vehemently against the opposition candidate. Not that Obama has ever followed the rules, or attempted to do anything more than divide this nation. Should Trump be elected, you have his predecessor on record as sayig he is unfit to be President. Based on his own involvement with Bill Ayres, Tony Rezko, Rev. Wright - Obama has always surrounded himself with extremists and criminals, and GWB could have said the same things or worse about Obama.
Trump is dangerous to the country. He's a demagogue. Huge difference between all of Hillary's flaws and what Trump would do to the country.
Sorry you guys can't see that.
Powell was never investigated. Nor were Rice's people. Nor have any of Bush's traitorous crimes been prosecuted. Huge difference between contested emails and what Bush did to this country. Give it a break.
This says it all: supporters being attacked&sc=2-31&sp=-1&sk=

Try doing the same search for Clinton and you get a much different result, zero videos. So who are the extremist? The liberals want you to think its the right, but certainly a party that is unwilling to respect one point of view is not representative of our great nation. Also just think, the vast majority of media tend to side with liberals, and they still know right from wrong and covers these stories....
Powell was never investigated. Nor were Rice's people. Nor have any of Bush's traitorous crimes been prosecuted. Huge difference between contested emails and what Bush did to this country. Give it a break.

Traitorous? Go on... I'd like to hear this.

A traitor would deliberately not help Americans in danger - see Benghazi and the orders to "stand down", and then the coverup saying it was caused by a video and was a spontaneous riot. If you have trouble answering say you hit your head and get back to me in 4 months, as Hillary did.

A traitor would attend a church for 20 years where the minister preaches to "God damn America"

A traitor would have many house meetings with a known American born bomber and terrorist, Bill Ayres.

A traitor would enter a dirty deal with a convicted criminal, Tony Rezko, buying a piece of property for $10,000 that Rezko had just purchased for $400,000

A traitor exposes highly confidential classified emails to a private email server.

A traitor rakes in millions of dollars speaking to foreign governments trying to curry favor with the US.

I can go on and on and on.

You can not like Trump, who I do not like, but nothing Trump or Bush has ever done rises to the criminality and anti-American behavior or CLinton and Obama.
That one Act, which again BTW was overwhelmingly supported by Republicans in Congress did not--by itself- cause the 2008 Crash. I agree it launched a sleazy mortgage financing industry that championed to 'No Income' Mortgages, but a decade plus of Greenspan's insipid run-away liquidity, Bush's irresponsible governing which drove record deficits, and the de-regulating of the financial industry (repeal of Glass-Steagall, signed by Bubba AND supported loudly by the great majority of Republicans) poured gasoline on the fire and caused the Great Crash.
Wall Street bankers are incredibly bright and ambitious. They can engineer seeming miracles. Unfortunately, if unchecked, the 'price' of those miracles proves too high.
I am an atheist. But were I not, I would thank divine providence for creating me at a point in human history where the term "Trump Intervention" is an actual thing.

So blessed!
I am an atheist. But were I not, I would thank divine providence for creating me at a point in human history where the term "Trump Intervention" is an actual thing.

So blessed!

I guess since atheism has become a religion of its own that you are nonotheistic. :)

Hopefully we can remain fairly civil in this thread and be united in our agreement that both candidates basically leave tons to be desired.
I am an atheist. But were I not, I would thank divine providence for creating me at a point in human history where the term "Trump Intervention" is an actual thing.

So blessed!
Trump is going to build a heaven wall also and prevent you and Austour from getting there :)
I am an atheist. But were I not, I would thank divine providence for creating me at a point in human history where the term "Trump Intervention" is an actual thing.

So blessed!
Trump is going to build a heaven wall also and prevent you and Austour from getting there :)

And he's going to have Mexican atheists build it!