In Lavin we have a coach with almost unique ethics and courage. He risked - and lost- a chance at the NCAA's to teach his best player a life lesson - knowing that he also risked D'lo leaving. How many division 1 coaches do you think would have done that? Along the way it taught everyone on the team as well. Maybe a few fans got it, too - the kids are what're most important. Without question. Five seniors graduate - six months early. Young men - and a coach - I can truly root for.
While your message is nice and had good intentions, it is not the reality of the situation. In today's world, it is all about winning, and that's the bottom line. You can say it's all about the kids, and that's what most important, but does anyone really care whatever happened to Lamont Hamilton, Eugene Lawrence, Showtime Hill, Justin Burrell, etc...? Who is honestly going to sit there and be like, "well we completely sucked at basketball, but at least Curtis Johnson got a degree in business management." (and I have no idea what his major was).
The moment you start with that attitude, is the moment your program goes downhill. I think that that was one of Norm's biggest downfalls. He tried way to hard to develop fine young gentlemen, rather than develop fine young basketball players.
A coach's job is to win games....with a little character development on the side.