The team, after practicing either in Taffner or Carnesecca for the last almost 6 months exclusively, really needs this trip to get away.
We used to look forward to our first road trip, getting away from campus life. Charter plane, great hotels with better beds, catered buffet meals 3x a day. Excitement of traveling to a new city, hopefully Rick does a city bus tour for the players for educational reasons. Practice in a new environment, possibly meeting former teammates on other teams in tourney, all go into road trip life in these tourneys. Team bonding with new roommates, film time and study hall with our academic support staff will fill out their day!
Hope those that are going enjoy the trip and the games this week…I will be watching from Chattanooga before I head to Tuscaloosa for the Mocs vs Alabama football game Saturday. I will be meeting up with former Alabama wide receiver (84) and St. John’s former football assistant coach Bill Getchell pregame.
I love this message and your insights.
Charleston is rich in history, and much of it not good. The exquisite homes south of Broad were built mostly by wealthy plantation owners who enjoyed a city mansion in addition to their main plantation house. Nowhere else in the United States is the wealth generated by slave labor more evident. The Slave Market museum is an important historic site that reminds us that that (I believe) 95% of African slaves arrived through the Port of Charleston. I felt a somber sadness - the same I felt on the deck of the USS Arizona - but one also infused with anger that we are a nation whose success was built on the backs of human atrocity. It's easy to overlook this in one of the most unique and beautiful U.S. cities but it's there. Important.
Your reminder that Rick will likely do some touring with the team reminded me in my brief experience with Rick is that he is really concerned about how well our kids do in life. Early on, at multiple events, i cringed when Father Shanley would reoeatedly insist that Rick will make his players better people. Already there is considerable evidence of this.
At the kickoff dinner, Rick in what was part brutal honesty, part public challenge stated "right now not a single one of them can play defense, not a single one has a high motor." I was seated with Chris Ledlum (an awesome young man I wish we'd have here for 4 years) and as Pitino said this he had his head down and was smiling. I took that smile as a mature smile of a 5th year player who gets all the screaming and toughness in practice of a coach hellbent on improving each kid individually and also molding them as a team. Unlike last year's team these kids get it. It's why they are here. It's why the very best players in Indiana, all hs players actually, aspired to play in the shrine of Indiana basketball in Bloomington to play for a coach who would demand they do it his way to improve and win. The similarities are striking.
Back to badketball. As fans, we've experienced more must win games throughout seasons than perhaps all other programs. Continually in the hole digging out. Already feels like that after 2 games of the Pitino era. Overly dramatic, no? Well definitely yes, but msybe definitely no. Lol. Damaged fans.
So North Texas. Big game. Big weekend. To me, success means getting to finals, but that bubble could burst after Thursday. The uncertainly makes each game anticipation worth the price of a ticket.
We are witnessing Sju history in front of us. Happy to be along for the ride. Happy to have made so many friends here and look forward to seeing so many of you, some like Dink haven't seen in ten years. Dink called me at my office a couple of times. My assustant wanted to know who the caller was with that deep southern voice. I want to learn how his then 12 year old boy is turning out. Good stuff. The real value of being a fan of this program. More good men and women than i ever would have guessed.
Even the ones i violently disagree with here. All good men. Well, maybe. Lol.