SJ likely wins today, but you have to give credence to LMF’s and Logen’s recent assessments of Pitino’s sub par performance this season. His guys not being prepared today is on him and as they noted, his decision making w rotations is safely head scratching. How well he motivates this group is another concern.
Speaking for myself - not a recent concern. Has been a concern from the time he was hired. There's a clear pattern both last year and this year. Short list (since I've posted the long versions already):
1. Lineup Lottery. Who's starting? Why?
2. Rotation Roulette. Lots of impulsive and punitive yanking guys out of the game to scream at them on the spot about one mistake or another. Teaching and correcting errors is part of the job, but you have to pick your spots for that behavior, it can' t be your go-to move.
3. Press Patrol. Criticizing players in the press. What could possibly go wrong?
4. Flexibility? Fuggedaboutit! There are zero evident adjustments to meet players where they are and find tools to teach them in a way that will maximize their productivity. The only approved scientific principle appears to be "if it doesn't work, apply more force." It's the basketball equivalent of "English, spoken loudly and clearly enough, can be understood by anyone." Which doesn't actually work with folks who don't speak the language. Sometimes you gotta learn a little bit of theirs if you want to communicate effectively.
5. F*&k Flexibility (Part 2): The same thing applies to game plans - we have a plan and although sometimes we will adjust it as needed, we really, really hate to do that and as a result are slow to get there.
All of these things point to a coach that - as he himself has now said - has a lot of trouble relating to today's players, and it is worse this year than it was last year. It has been obvious on the bench this year from early on. You could see the friction on the bench even before the Bahamas and it got worse after that. A bit better now, but not awesome.
There's no arguing about the resume, but that was built in a different environment with different kinds of players, and there was a significant gap in what Pitino was doing between then and now. I also don't dispute that if the players drank the Kool-Aid exactly the way he wants them to then they would be a good team. But you can't just tell today's players "drink this because I said so and if you don't drink it exactly right I'm benching you" and expect that to work.
I had hoped that winning would be the best disinfectant and maybe it will yet. Fingers crossed.