Harrison: Best scorer in the big east, a senior, has been rendered completely useless by constantly getting clobbered and run over. He straight up can't move. Never would have happened to a Duke or Cuse player. Boeheim would have been reaming refs and opposing coach over it.
This is idiotic.
You can't blame Lavin for Harrison's injury. He plays to contact, drawing fouls is a huge part of Dlo's game. And he has a calf strain, not broken bones from a hard foul.
I can't believe I'm in the position of defending Lavin. I feel sick
As for the term "idiotic", I sent a report to the moderator. It's insulting and I hope it won't be tolerated.
As for the content, I never said it was Lavin's fault exclusively. We have had awful officiating all year. The worst I've ever seen, and I follow the team for 25 years.
Every trip down the floor is a case study in selective enforcement. A set of rules for them and another for us. Partly due to Lavin and partly due to the surly demeanor of some of our players, but still not acceptable. The rules should be the rules. Period.
So sick of watching Harrison get clobbered. He was leading the big east in scoring only a few weeks ago! Now he can't even take a shot.
First off, look up the term; "senselessly foolish, or stupid". How does thst not apply?
And I specifically referred to your remark, not you as a person Brian.
So I think you're overreacting a bit.
But regardless (and ignoring the profanity you originally posted), I think you're seeing things through red tinged glasses. Harrison gets plenty of calls. There is no mass conspiracy that allows defenses to beat up dangelo.
And you strongly implied that a better coach would have imposed his will on the officials therefore preventing Harrison's injury.
I unapologetically think that line of argument is senselessly foolish. I'm sure you're a fine person, but how Harrison is treated, and whether Lavin is at all to blame for his injury, is just something were going to have to agree to disagree about.