Read John Rooke's column this morning. Always interesting with national & NE sports. Mentioned that Providence had 6.6 million in donations to the Athletic Fund this past fiscal year. 7th straight year that figure eclipsed the previous years. Also this week heard that Alabama made 100 million on their football program. Staggering figure if true. How does St John's compare to the Providence Athletic Fund figure?
I believe their football team made $100 million as they get 100,000 plus per game and tickets are a fortune. On another note their basketball team lost to Canadian Champion Carleton University this weekend on their summer Canadian tour. Coach Avery Johnson just got a 2 year extension which keeps him under contract to 2023 though he has yet to dance in2 seasons. I would imagine his chair will be on fire this season if they don't dance considering their great freshman backcourt of Sexton and Petty.