Knight" post=422881 said:
How many scholarships are allowed per team?
Any player who plays this year will be granted another year of eligibility provided that they remain at the same school. Any Senior or Grad Student who under normal circumstances would have used up his eligibility this year and returns next year will not have their scholarship count against the D1 Basketball maximum scholarship alotment of 13. So as an example, you can have a total of 15 players on basketball scholarship next year if two of thse ships are for players who would have used up their eligibility this year.can return for another year of eligibility provided they remain at the same school this year. This exemption of the "extra scholarships" is only for the 2021 - 22 season. Any other player afterwards who would like to use their "extra year" when they are a senior, their scholarship would be counted as on of the maximum 13.