Around the Big East

Prediction: UConn will not get invited to the Big 12 before 2031. I also don't believe they will get invited after 2031. I think more likely the ACC loses teams via settlement with the two many agitators FSU and Clemson agreeing to a large exit fee. I think VT and Miami join them (perhaps later and cheaper than FSU and Clemson). However, since all those teams run declining college football programs, they will only be offered 1/2 shares in the SEC (FSU, Miami or Clemson) or Big 10 (VT) or full shares in the Big 12. The ACC will offer UConn an invite in this case.

And you know this is a good prediction because I've made countless bold predictions on this board... I mean, like over 20 and I have successfully nailed one of them!

What a call by RSR 2-21. Keep this up I can play for the Yankees!
Great to see the Big 12 turn down UConn once again. Like it or not they've helped the Big East remain an elite conference these last couple years following Wright's retirement. Without UConn our TV contract wouldn't be as good as it is, so as of today it was still absolutely the correct move to add them. Good on Val for never panicking by adding mid-major bloat.

If the ACC ever adds them hopefully by then at least one Big East team matches or surpasses UConn in the standings / March Madness. No reason it can't be us.
Great to see the Big 12 turn down UConn once again. Like it or not they've helped the Big East remain an elite conference these last couple years following Wright's retirement. Without UConn our TV contract wouldn't be as good as it is, so as of today it was still absolutely the correct move to add them. Good on Val for never panicking by adding mid-major bloat.

If the ACC ever adds them hopefully by then at least one Big East team matches or surpasses UConn in the standings / March Madness. No reason it can't be us.
If the ACC ever adds them?
The ACC is on life support. The fact they haven't been pooached is very telling. They make up 18 teas, the latest being Stanford, Cal and SMU. How sad is that.
With PAC 12 breaking up, they had 4 teams in last year. Will be interesting to see if other leagues get same or more bids in '25

Above BE, were Big12 & SEC (8), Big 10 & Mount West (6), ACC (5)
5th place this season will be disappointing for the Johnnies particularly if the NCAA keeps the BEast as a 3 bid league.
5th place this season will be disappointing for the Johnnies particularly if the NCAA keeps the BEast as a 3 bid league.
As strong as the conference is this season, we'd better be a 6 bid conference. None of this Big West, Big Sky, Big West Mountain West shit. Pick the best 68. it's not as hard as it looks.
As strong as the conference is this season, we'd better be a 6 bid conference. None of this Big West, Big Sky, Big West Mountain West shit. Pick the best 68. it's not as hard as it looks.
Still cannot believe we didn’t get in this past March. Feel robbed. We had what a 35 NET? Has this ever happened before where the back cover of NYPOST had us dancing then we don’t make it? The BE is relying on teams like us, GT, and Nova (must get real coach again) to be good and be regular 20+ win teams consistently ranked & in NCAAT. If ever there was a season we need to breakthrough nationally it’s this one. Missing the NCAAT again would be so demoralizing & hate to say it but would have to think Rick thinks about maybe ending contract early at that point. We also need a huge season to hopefully get a good coach after Rick retires. Make it an attractive job again for big name coaches.
I thought St. John's deserved to get in, but missing out didn't shock me (I said 60% odds on Selection Sunday, Vegas had us at 67%). What did shock me was that we weren't even in the First Four Out, and the Big East only got 3 in. Totally inexcusable, and with zero logic/consistency behind 4+ schools being ahead of us it truly felt like the Committee simply didn't like Pitino (despite him being great for TV ratings). Very different story from a few years prior when we were the last team in (in line with Bracket Matrix).

That said, this was only 1 year out of 10 where I felt the new Big East (and St. John's) was unfairly treated, and having so many bubble teams hurt. Hopefully it was just an outlier year for us and doesn't become a trend. One thing's for sure, we better not (and shouldn't) be anywhere close to the bubble on Selection Sunday.
Let’s take care of our own business and be ranked to end the season and they’ll be no doubt. Any Big East team that leaves it in the hands of the committee will get screwed. It’s as simple as that.
Let’s see how Val Ackerman deals with Yukon now. Will she continue kissing their a$$ while they are trying (in vain) to bolt? And how will the rest of the league treat them? I say play them in Carnessecca, who cares how they feel, they will always have one foot out the door.

And for those who think they are inportant to the league, ask yourself this. WTF has Yukon do for St. John’s or the rest of the league? Did their high ranking help us make the dance the past few years or get more then three teams in the Dance?? Get them the F out of the league, they add nothing but a bunch of asswipe fans who make attending a Garden game against them a horrendous experience.