Actually,I’m not justifying anyone just warning not to take anyone at this point in the year lightly regardless of pre conference games. In terms of being negative about St. John’s? Just curious, how old are you? Do you not see the difference between being negative and critiquing a body of work? While it may not seem so to those who are narrow minded, limited in their thought process but I’m probably one of the most positive posters on here. I want the team to do well but recognize where improvements need to be made and try to monitor their progress game to game.
But you're taking the Syracuse game lightly. No? "I'm not taking too much away from this." but you're taking what many deem to be too much away from first night rust in a game won by 25. Just observing. You be you. These November games are always messy, hard to tell anything until a team gets a handful of games under their belt, especially in this era where you rarely get more than a few key contributors returning for most teams.