Dare I say that a long sleeping giant has begun to awaken.
Its like suddenly the clouds have lifted and after 25 years of doing all the wrong things we are suddenly doing all the right things. Thank you Chris Mullin.
At long last true hope has returned!
I'm extremely delighted, and was personally pushing for Mullin when Lavin left.
I'm cautiously-optimistic at this point. Remember, some were saying similar about 5 years ago. I'll await for more commitments and, more importantly, games to be played to see what we truly have on our hands.
Currently, I'm rather excited with what is transpiring (ie, the make up of the staff, what they're doing on the road). I do feel we'll be successful, but I'm still tempering things a bit.
Very fair Dink. I would add that we can't expect to be a top BE team next season without a lot of things going our way very soon. In the event they don't, I will just consider next year phase one of establishing a highly successful & competitive program. Staff's investment in 17& 18 kids to me equates to their commitment to being proactive & planful. With a lot of hard work, I suspect this staff will makes us proud sooner than later.
Actually, I'm not expecting to be a top team in the conference next season. Just being competitive and middle-of-the-pack. If we're any better than "middle-of-the-pack," then I bet most of us will be pleased.
Frankly, if we were to add more solid pieces, as in Diallo, Mussini, Papagiannis, Sampson, and the likes, to go along with what we've already added (Williams and Sima) and currently have (Obekpa and Jordan).... We could possibly do some good things this season. May actually surprise.
I, personally feel we'll be alright in the long-run. But I'm still tempering things, nonetheless.