It's not sarcasm fun man.. It's merely an example showing that without any form of education you could make anything of yourself in the past through hard work and determination. I was taught growing up that if you couldn't make something of yourself in this country you weren't worth jack. That does not apply any longer because working hard does not carry as much weight as it used to... You need need friends in the right places. P.s. Your wit is obnoxious dial it back a notch and be real old man.
LOL! Sirvoo, what is a real old man? 40, 50, 60, or just old as in wearing Depends and foaming at the mouth when you speak?
Working hard "does not carry as much weight as it used to"? I fired at least two dozen squirts like you that had that attitude. No one is arguing that times are hard! But they have been harder! There have been, as Fun pointed out, world wars and atomic bombings, while today we are spending as many trillions of dollars chasing towel heads in the deserts and foothills of the middle east while we cannot protect our own borders.
If you cannot get job, volunteer for something, join the Peace Corps, become a Mormon and go on a two year mission, just do something! No one is starving in America like in Africa, just check your 230lb girlfriends with a tattoo on her arse. As bad as we have it right now in America, Europe has it worse and unless you want to live in Mumbai and live like a king on $500 per month, be patient and keep on truckin because even Jerry Garcia could not argue that Mountain Girl was the best he could do.
More ignorance and arrogance. Good for you...only a sadist POS would brag about firing 24 people. Oh wow you are just so big and powerful you mature old man you! Times have been harder? Yeah...the great depression was harder. That's it. Since then it hasn't been worse. WWI and WWII were never fought on our soil unless you want to consider Hawaii our turf, but it wasn't really a battlefield it was a surprise hit and run. Atomic bombings? I'd love to know when we were bombed with an atomic bomb. Unless we lived in Japan, what you said is not relevant. One thing we can agree on is chasing towel heads in the desert spending trillions...about as stupid as it gets.
Volunteer for something? But I thought you said we need to make money? What the hell does volunteering do? Most people earned their degrees already and are ready to start today...not be some intern or volunteer. Peace Corps? Do you know how many rapes and other crimes have been covered up to date? It's very dangerous and not even worth it. As if your generation would have gone to a 3rd world country instead of getting a real job. So basically all you said is that "it could be worse". Wow. those terms nothing can seem that bad. You are really grasping for straws now. Just stop being a coward and admit these times are the worst since the GD and that getting a job was MUCH easier when you were our age.
Sadist POS? I have actually been trying to be nice but if I am a sadist, then you must be a masochist because you keep coming back formore! LOL!
Fun pointed out the obvious in that your lack of historical perspective is indicative of your profound ignorance. You trivialize world wars where millions were killed because they were fought on foreign soil?
"As if your generation would have gone to a 3rd world country instead of getting a real job"..........A few here on redmen visited a 3 rd world country called is that country whe your Calvin Klein tee shirt is made, if that helps you with geography. Something called the draft lottery prevented thousands of college grads from being hired by employers fearing they would waste money in training only to lose them to the draft.
But enough about us old some pictures of yourself with those big muscled arms with all the tats while wearing that muscle shirt made in Vietnam. Wink!
The fact that you talk about WWI and WWII in the same breath as Iraq and Afghanistan just goes to show how little you know. The world wars were very deadly, but they were at least pretty organized and we knew who the enemy was. See that guy? Shoot him. We win. In the ME it's guerrilla warfare aka hit and run. We don't know who our enemy is can be a child, a woman, an Iraqi soldier...anyone. The terrain is totally foreign to us and nothing like Europe which we knew. The terrorism aspect of it just complicates it more...there are so many little cells just plotting to blow our people up both in the ME and here at home. In WWII there was no real threat to our was uniforms vs. uniforms. Two totally different things. By the way, you guys were forced to Vietnam...your generation kicked and screamed about the draft remember? So don't act like you guys were willing to go.
Do you want a cookie for doing what you were forced to do? Wake up...the world we live in today is 100% different than the world you knew at my age. Not even close. The funny part is that I can picture one of your family members talking about the "good old days" and "back in my day" with you nodding furiously in agreement. You look pretty ridiculous trying to tell me that it's not harder getting a job and going about everyday life than it was in your day.
Joe3 wrote:
By the way, you guys were forced to Vietnam...your generation kicked and screamed about the draft remember? So don't act like you guys were willing to go.
Do you want a cookie for doing what you were forced to do? Wake up...the world we live in today is 100% different than the world you knew at my age. Not even close.
What little credibility you had left here you blew it with the above statement!
Forced to Vietnam? It was called a draft you moron! Another little inconvenience after college that your deprived generation missed. A cookie? They were called C-rations.
As far as warfare, I am sure your combat experience on XBox is far more hazardous than the real thing.
Since nothing prior to your sperm days in 1999 was relevant to you, I suggest you speak with a little less authority about anything historical or feigning any knowledge about "our day". Your comparative analytics are so off I hope you are not an MBA student. Then again, you likely will be condemned to repeat a history you never learned.
In short, other than paying off a loan and actually "looking" for a job, it appears everything is easier for you Long Island white bread boys these days. You have Xbox for war games, your computer for 24 hour porn to release your stres, a big booty biacth with a tat on her arse, a cell phone to ask Suri if you are as moronic as Fun and others here say you are, and you have that Marist degree that is not worth the toilet paper I wiped my arse with in 1969.
What is great about medium tee shirt guys like you is you never know when to stop feeding us old guys more comedic lines to work with during the basketball offseason.
Keep it coming LINY boy!