Like Beasts of the East said, your donating $ just like you potentially would to any "charitable" organization. In this case, IT'S LITERALLY YOUR FAVORITE BASKETBALL PROGRAM!! The one you go to games to, buy merchandise, watch on tv. They provide you (allegedly) entertainment, joy (sometimes) and happiness. I know the natural first reaction to a donation is what do I get back, but in this case you hope that they land you the Simeon Wilchers, Jordan Dingles, Brady Dunlaps etc etc etc. That's the return. So yes it may not be a charity in that sense but you're giving $ towards something you (allegedly) love and support.
Asking Mike Repole, or wealthy donors to donate non stop is not a sustainable model. Having fans chip in with smaller amounts, albeit consistently, in conjunction with larger donations is how you succeed in this era. And obviously winning basketball games.