Look here is the thing you guys need to understand with Lavin. yeah there is a lot of coach speak as with other coaches and yeah part of it is salesmanship but having met him a bunch of times and I know definitely some of the others here have met him a lot also you all have to admit that his personality is very outgoing and he is just a very positive person when you meet him.
Whether you like his coaching or not Coach is a real good guy when you meet him and even if you meet him for the 1st or 2nd time chances are he is going to remember something about you and when you talk to him he makes you feel like you have known each other for a long time.
Heck he beat cancer and as others know personality definitely helps with stuff like that. To thrown an example of a member here MCNPA is probably one of the most positive glass overflowing people here but thats his personality and trust me in his profession that is huge and that's why he is one of the nicest guys when you meet him. So it's not worth parsing Lavin's words. He can't change who is he and deep down he is a good guy.
We might get pissed at what happens on the floor sometimes but you can't change who you are and he is just a positive guy
Good post mj, I think that sometimes does go unnoticed.
BTW speaking of MCN, noticed he hasnt been around much, is he alright? Same with moose.