SJUBasketball: Lav just broke down...crying on the table mumbling about UCLA and critics
SJUBasketball: Just coralled a shirtless Keady and Tony Chiles who started a "down with Mike Boutchawkowski" chant at Stouts...not sure where Lav got an actual hammer, but everything is cool now #thank youNYPD #ThingsGettingCrazyatStouts
STJCoachLavin: F*cking love the NYPD...great guys. Young group, but much improved overall. Steady. I'd say very reminiscent of UCLA under Wooden the first few years #showing promise #glueguys #showingdrunkLavmercy #helpshavingahotwife
STJCoachLavin: Mike Boutchgethellofmybackski....seriously bro wtf? #DidIKillYourDog #layoffLav #Iwillsendyouandautorgraphedhammer #Iamonlyhuman
Mike Boutchatski: It's Mike Boutchatski
STJCoachLavin: BoutchaDOUCHEsski
Mike Boutchatski: Mike Boutchatski
GeneKeady: Boutchwhatski?
Mike Boutchatski: Boutchatski
SJUBaskeball: Get off Lav's back BoutchBitchski
Mike Boutchatski: "Lav" is a colossal failure as a coach
Norm Roberts: RT @Mike Boutchatski "Lav" is a colossal failure
STJCoachLavin: The Kansas team manager speaks up #DidYouEvenWinaGame #DoYouEvenCoach @Norm Roberts
Norm Roberts: Lav I am running a recruiting clinic in August if you want to stop by #20winswithalltop100talent
Joe3: Oh sh*t!!!! OH Sh*t!!!! #NormgaveittoLav #NormsucksbutLavistheWORSTEVER #canIhaveanautographedhammerLav
STJCoachLavin: What is @Joe3 so excited about did he find a medium Taylor Swift T-shirt or did Clay Aiken tickets just become available #shaveyourmustache #nohammerforyou
STJCoachLavin: Norm, sorry to hear you and your dad got fired from FAU
NormRoberts: That was Jarvis d*ck and you know that. You can thank me for the players I left for you later #winwithyourownguysbeforeyougetcocky
STJCoachRoberts: #ICantKeepMyscrubsstraight #EasytoMixupFiredSJUCoaches
Otis: Coach, according to Rivals, you offered 29 recruits, but I see that we have nobody committed. Is this a mistake by Rivals or are you just terrible? Thanks. Otis.
STJCoachLavin: Otis, I have commitment: hunting you down with my hammer and making you pay for your comments. I don't accept American Express...only blood from my hammer shots. #sayittomyface #IwonYourPredictionThread #HammertoOtis #YourWelcomeBtch
Stouts: Things getting ugly here...Lavin, Chiles, Fratto, Keady all shirtless and squaring off against Jay Wright and staff...not sure why but Fred Hill is also apparently fighting on the side ofNova guys and they are all also shirtless. Both groups are snapping and Fred Hill is currently singing threats. Very nicely I might add. #BigEastTournament #FredHillLooksSleezy #OnlyinNewYork #GusJohnsonAndRafteryCallingtheAction
I read the first line, and you had me going. Once, I read the second line, then I knew it was you joking around.