SJU Portal Targets

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I have no problem if a kid wants to get paid. However, I got no problem if Rick see’s a kid that just wants a bag. What happens if the kids not happy says F U I want another 25K or I ain’t practicing?
I completely agree get paid yes bidding war then your not in it for the game that's what nba and agents are for .
I completely agree get paid yes bidding war then your not in it for the game that's what nba and agents are for .
Totally disagree. Most of these kids will not make the NBA and will never have a chance to make this kind of $ again. Moreover, many of these kids come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. I loath the system and the shady agents/advisors, but I don’t blame the kids. Just bc a kid wants to make more $ doesn’t mean he doesn’t love bb or isn’t a good kid.
If life was Disney-esque idyllic, the first post on page 200 would be announcing our first portal commitment.

Believe we reached out initially, but clearly we’re not on his radar - shocker.
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