SJU Portal Targets

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Totally disagree. Most of these kids will not make the NBA and will never have a chance to make this kind of $ again. Moreover, many of these kids come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. I loath the system and the shady agents/advisors, but I don’t blame the kids. Just bc a kid wants to make more $ doesn’t mean he doesn’t love bb or isn’t a good kid.
If, based on ever improving analytics and professional scouting services, a "kid" is not NBA worthy, then there should eventually be a uniform ranking of portal players with salary ranges based on one's ranking. Ergo, the industry standard would dictate that if a player is not NBA draft worthy, their compensation should be well below the NBA minimum. Accordingly, college NIL deal should be valued more than $1.1 million and would be scaled down to G League level ($40,000) for lower ranked players.
The final fix would be 2 year NIL contracts with exit penalties for breaking the contract.
If, based on ever improving analytics and professional scouting services, a "kid" is not NBA worthy, then there should eventually be a uniform ranking of portal players with salary ranges based on one's ranking. Ergo, the industry standard would dictate that if a player is not NBA draft worthy, their compensation should be well below the NBA minimum. Accordingly, college NIL deal should be valued more than $1.1 million and would be scaled down to G League level ($40,000) for lower ranked players.
The final fix would be 2 year NIL contracts with exit penalties for breaking the contract.
I’ve had similar thoughts lately. I have no clue what Matt A actually does and if he’s doing a good job or not. All I can go on is results. I think it’s fair to question what he’s bringing to the table, but again I know very little of what goes on behind the scenes.
If that’s true then we should wait for actual results
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