@Seton Hall, Sat., Jan. 18, 8p, FS-1

As far as Smith goes, I know all the armchair physicians were beseeching for him to not go in or at least be taken out but if he was cleared to play, he was cleared to play. It is very possible he is just going to have to learn to play with the pain and restricted motion and the risk of further injury is very minimal and further rest is not going to significantly improve the condition of the shoulder; so tonight was the chance to start that process in preparation for the tougher games.
The point is none of us are privy to the injury details and the fact that he was “off” without knowing those particulars is not necessarily a valid reason to not play him.
This was a fun game. Great job by those in attendance. We wiped the floor w them and as importantly improved on every metric while doing it. This game, Seton hall at CA and PC at MSG are the last games that can really hurt badly our metrics being Q3 or lower so ✅ one down.
Looks like they cut one part... lol
In so many ways Coach Pitino reminds me of the great Vince Lombardi! His intense focus on the next game that week! His obsession with winning over everything else! His impeccable preparation for the next game and although we can’t prove this his innate fear of losing!
I want to post this at least 1,000 times! 😁 😁 😁

The BIG EAST Conference


2024-25 Men's Basketball Standings​

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2024-25 Men's Basketball Standings
St. John's7-1.87516-3.84212-03-11-2W5
Seton Hall1-6.1436-12.3334-50-52-2L3
And show up! If there was ever a year to make it a point to get to these games, especially the MSG games (we will sell out CA the rest of the way), let's gooooo!!! If you are a fan of other NY pro sports franchises, as I am, going to these games is the deal of the century from a cost standpoint. My season tickets basically cost what 2 freaking Knicks games would with my family.

Good to see mostly younger 20s - 40s SJ fans at the SH game and hearing a lot of vocal fans at CA and MSG

Good to see mostly younger 20s - 40s SJ fans at the SH game and hearing a lot of vocal fans at CA and MSG
Any team can draw fans when they win. The hard part is to make them sticky like we are, buying season tix through thick and thin. Of course this is a requisite first step. IMO, just like building a donor base, the trick.is to getting them to.commit to season ticket plans before life takes over with bills, kids, other commitments.

This must be a huge priority for Kull. Building a solid fan base of new grads is empirical, so.should be done with targeted goals at the end of each season to lock up x number, maybe with a limited number of ticket plans with sharp discpunts, even below pricing for recent grads.
Well said. I’m happy to say I’m going to the Providence and Creighton home games and also heading to the game @nova. This team deserves all the support we can give them

Also starting to feel like I’m gonna have to be in the building for the UConn game. Please let this be the year we send their fans out of msg with their heads down
I am going to the Xavier game this week and that Creighton game. I have been to more games this year than any other, have to enjoy it while we can
Wilcher’s form on his shot is to good for him not to break out of this. Scott is shooting well again. So is RJ. Even Kadary is hitting his foul shots now. Wilcher will get through this. As far Smith is concerned, hopefully four more days will help him get closer to where we need him to be.
Wilcher needs to be ready to shoot coming off the screens… he’s too hesitant
He’s a good shooter and needs to take them and make them for us to get to the next level