My observation to the athletic department was essentially that (1) I understand the modern landscape (whether I like it or not is irrelevant); (2) you can't run a competitive college sports program without significant donor support; and (3) they won't hear a complaint from me about what happens to my seating as long as the process is fair.
I completely agree that some degree of transparency would help with that last point. You can't have a situation where someone who has an "in" with someone gets preferential treatment in contravention of the published metrics (ticket duration, booster duration, contribution amounts).
If somebody gives the school $1 million and that gets them priority over someone who has had tickets for 30 years at $3,000 a year and also donated $3,000 a year and thus their total contribution over the years is $180,000, so be it. If you want to give double credit for duration and say the 30-year person is worth $360,000, or even triple credit and say it's worth $540,000, that's still a fraction of the nouveau riche donor. So the reality is you get what you pay for in this world.
But you can't be giving a 5 year holder/donor priority over a 10 year donor/holder unless (say) the 5 year person has donated significantly more than the 10 year one, in my opinion. Significant being relative but that's the "point" here - that some degree of transparency in the dollar value of longevity would be useful.
However, as long as the metrics are fair and the process is guided by the metrics, it is simply college athletic reality today. Seems like a bunch of the conversation surrounding this confuses a right with a privilege. Believe me, I hate the landscape as much as anyone. But hating it doesn't make it any less real. Whether I or anyone else wants to continue to be a participant is an individual choice.