Speculating about Players’s time on the Court for next season , is like the ultimate fantasy .. Trimble , a case in point . One thing that seems apparent about this Coaching staff is being upfront with current and former players . Likely Ellison was told he might not get the same minutes this past season and , he opted to transfer . Mussini had already been relegated to part time player and designated shooter , during his soph year . Plus , he knew his future was looming in the Pro Italin League . Neither of them or the Coaching staff could have forseen the Lovett defection . Owens and Yakwe wanted more of a featured role or, just more playing time . They werent given that assurance and left . Good Luck . Trimble , on the other hand , has completed his freshman studies and the time to opt for transfer is winding down. If he was concerned or, had been told by Mullin to worry about his role or , playing time , he likely would have transferred already . One thing , some here , don’t seem to get is the communication between Mullin and his Players and Players to be . It would appear Chris has the ear of his guys and seems he shoots square with them . Even, to the point , it might not be the answer they want, i.e. Owens for example . It’s my opinion , Trimble has been communicated with and he may feel his place, next season and beyond is good for him . There was certainly no reluctance to play him last year and he performed the long range shot making decently . The composition of next Year’s team looks to be in the mold of TMC of the Warriors in Mitch and Chris’s hey day . And , despite the early off season negativity towards Mullin and Staff , there can be little criticism of worth, about the cadre of players brought in this summer . Some turn around , for sure . The Roster appears very strong , barring unforseen circumstances or injuries . And , how quickly the bloggers and Writers, Zach, Rothstein, etc have jumped on the Redmen train .