RJ Luis

I read where Luis signed a deal over the weekend with NOBULL. That takes away his leverage...but gives us an insight about where he plays next season.
Are you sure it was new? He’s been doing NoBull promotions all year?
In my head doesn't really make sense to make less money as a 2nd-round pick when you could make more money in college with NIL and more as a 1st-round pick in another year. But what do I know.
FanDuel, the number one sportsbook in the United States, ran not one, but two negative ads featuring RJ Luis, right after our loss. This is a big business, and these guys have no mercy.

If the players want to be paid like professionals, they’re going to have to take the hits like professionals. I don’t like it- I love RJ. But When the NCAA decided it was OK to start paying the players, and big-time gambling on the games was legalized at the same time, this was the inevitable result.
It’s ridiculous (and horrible) that he and and his family have to go through this. But your 2nd paragraph is spot on. The NCAA should not have individual bets/parlays. Betting on the games is going nowhere but they’ve set this up now. People with gambling problems tend to have anger issues and no impulse control, I know mindbending analysis from yours truly here, which sets up these exact scenarios.
People with gambling problems tend to have anger issues and no impulse control
Hey I resemble that remark!! I'm actually pretty laid back compared to others but plenty out there that are way too emotional to gamble.

I've always said this. The thrill of victory is no where near the feeling of agony of defeat as a gambler. I can win 9 in a row but get very upset to lose the 10th bet even though I was just 9-1.

To keep this about Luis, I apologize for all the gamblers who dont know how to act. I am a huge fan of his and hope whatever issues that surround this game get worked out and he comes back.
No RJ this season, no NCAA. Same for Pitino. We need both to return and right the ship. We need a little more discipline to our offense. I hope the coaches watch the way Creighton sets screens to free up shooters and get the opponent’s moving.
Every player should hit the portal. Why shut off the negotiating leverage you have by not doing so.

Repole knows this for certain. So does Rick. The key is that we treat our current players fairly so that the ones Rick wants to stay do so.

Beyond $$, any kid should consider the best situation for them for playing time or a featured role.

Calling Luis a one trick pony is just bizarre. I know lawyers who do only personal injury, would crap their pants if they ever had to go to trial because they are incapable, and what they do is hardly "law". I have friends who do personal injury , and I know which are capable of more and who can only do that.

Why use such a disparaging term?

In terms of Luis' style, keep in mind that one of the reasons it is so effective is it draws a crowd, and free guys like Zuby for offensive rebounds. Plus he draws a lot of fouls. Plus he follows his own shot for putbacks. This is all just nonsense, even if only from a few fans.

I received a valued text from our most respected poster last night thanking me for my initial defense of RJ's game and value. He knows moe bball in his pinky thsn i do in my body so i'll go with that.

We play Saturday's game without foul trouble 10 times and we win 7. Refs took two starters off the court and we never got going
Not to mention our lack of outside shooting ability is why there are 3-4 guys in the paint waiting for Luis when he drives. RP has said as much when he claims RJ will be better NBA player than college player because game is more wide open.
NCAA/government should've never allowed gambling on college sports. Way too many guys who aren't getting paid enough to assume integrity.
Illegal gamblers or Vegas gamblers have been acting like criminals before they legalized it. Every FG kicker who misses big kick or guy who fumbles etc. that causes a gambling loss has gotten multiple death threats. Unfortunately nature of the beast that players are forced to endure.
Hey I resemble that remark!! I'm actually pretty laid back compared to others but plenty out there that are way too emotional to gamble.

I've always said this. The thrill of victory is no where near the feeling of agony of defeat as a gambler. I can win 9 in a row but get very upset to lose the 10th bet even though I was just 9-1.

To keep this about Luis, I apologize for all the gamblers who dont know how to act. I am a huge fan of his and hope whatever issues that surround this game get worked out and he comes back.
We had a relative, a young man of 27, who was gambling in private card games above his means. A few weeks before his wedding day, he desperately committed suicide in a violent way. Another relative in his laye 30s just joined GA after having to take a 2nd mortgage to pay off gambling debt. A friend's mom died upstate a few years ago. Upon her death he discovered almost $50,000 in credit card advances to pay for gambling at a casino that didnt exist 20 years ago. We attended a wedding last year where the groom, a kid we know his entire life, blew his reception payment betting on online sports.

Gambling ruins millions of lives, often of people who would never have gambled if there wasnt easy access online or at newish casinos. Ads for online gambling at sports venues is beyond obscene.

Whether it be ad revenue or tax revenue, to me it's all illicit destruction vice often based on addictions. Legal cannabis sales have nothing to do with safety or conscience - legislation is solely centered on tax revenue that can exceed $100 million in a single state.

Why the NCAA $tays $ilent on thi$ i$ baffling, i$n't it?
Hey I resemble that remark!! I'm actually pretty laid back compared to others but plenty out there that are way too emotional to gamble.

I've always said this. The thrill of victory is no where near the feeling of agony of defeat as a gambler. I can win 9 in a row but get very upset to lose the 10th bet even though I was just 9-1.

To keep this about Luis, I apologize for all the gamblers who dont know how to act. I am a huge fan of his and hope whatever issues that surround this game get worked out and he comes back.
The movie Rounders had a quote from a Doyle Brunson book that is so, so true. “Every gambler wins their big pots, but can remember every little detail of a bad beat.” I’m paraphrasing but such an accurate statement.

I really hope RJ and his family can put this stuff out of their minds. It’s toxic as hell and it’s something that’s unfortunately out of their hands.