I've been on redmen.com for 20 years buddy, probably more. I haven't posted in years and I lost my login info.whiny voice? ok angry red new member lol. If you dont know its true one shouldnt post. Plus you never said per frank. And yes if its on Twitter it must be true LOL. Actually no we get our news from reliable sources on this forum for years, not twitter. I think most of us on red.fans who have been here for about 20 years knows who to listen to. Someone be cranky lol. Plus only one person said that on twitter thats all.
Get your quote straight never typed twitterrrrrr lol" plus first I heard of this not even the twitter trolls are saying that lol new member comes out of the wood works and makes a post. Sorry for putting that on the pay-no-mind list"
I've attached my original post and circled it for you in a nice yellow color. You've wasted a lot of time which could have been avoided if you read better. 20 years experience too...geez.