I hear ya. And yes I do have some inside info on things that went on. But it is totally not my place to say who and what. I don't mind saying that things went on and I guess pitino took this path he chose regarding those things. His team. His decision. Thats what I am referring to when I post that.
Now I can understand people saying come on and spill the beans. But I also hope people understand that is not my place nor do I feel comfortable exposing that. I respect my contact/s too much but still at the same time at least try to shed a little light to those who may not have any clues about it and say how couldn't pitino keep these guys etc.
As for players he is taking on etc, I have no idea about fit, abilities in his system and all that. I'll leave that up to the coach and hope he is building us a very nice team. Believe me, I am as anxious as anyone regarding the construction of the team and would love as many stars next to these guys. But again, at the same time I think he knows what he is doing and look forward to seeing the final product hopefully soon.