Recruiting Impact on “Scandal Schools”

[quote="Paultzman" post=351900]ORLANDO, Fla. -- At least six Division I men's basketball programs will receive Notices of Allegations for Level I violations from the NCAA by the summer, stemming from the federal government's recently completed investigation of the sport, a top NCAA official told CBS Sports.
Stan Wilcox, NCAA vice president for regulatory affairs, said two high-profile programs would receive notices of allegations by early July.


I'd guess that they will investigate Arizona, Kansas, Louisville, USC, LSU and Auburn this summer. As a result of their investigations, come September they will hand out the "death penalty" to N. Arizona University, Wichita St, E. Kentucky, Fresno St, University of New Orleans and Auburn.
Will never take this stuff seriously until the NCAA takes it seriously. Give Arizona the death penalty, give jail time to those who get in this muck, and you might just see more honest recruiting. But that will never happen, so if anything the NCAA is winking at the big F5 schools to keep doing what they're doing. They need to make a real example of a major brand or no one will ever care about the rules.
[quote="sjc88" post=351998]Cleveland State is gonna get the death penalty for sure! :evil:[/quote]
And they deserve it (again!)! They’re a bunch of arrogant, smug SOBs! Why can’t they just be more like UNC and Arizona?

The NCAA has served NC State with two Level I violations and two Level II violations connected to former PG Dennis Smith Jr., per release.

Dana O’Neill

NC State allegations include more than $47,000 impermissible benefits for Dennis Smith, failure to monitor for school and violation of head coach responsibility for Gottfried. He’s now at Cal State Northridge.
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Dickie V keeps saying the NCAA is going to come down hard on these schools and head coaches.

Let’s see
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[quote="Moose" post=354540]Dickie V keeps saying the NCAA is going to come down hard on these schools and head coaches.

Let’s see[/quote]

Well, if you can't get the death penalty for buying athletes (or for fraudulent academics like UNC), I'd have to wonder what exactly would you have to do to get whacked?

The fact that Kansas is going to get a Notice of Allegations soon is really not news. Neither is fact that they are gonna get hit with Level I violations. The news will be when the penalties are released for all these programs and coaches (i.e. Arizona, LSU, NC State, USC, etc.)
[quote="Paultzman" post=358216][/quote]

The funny thing is that Norm is as clean as they come. I had heard an hour of banter one time when Norm was at abcd camp and Self and his staff was trying to get Norm to go to lunch. Self was funny is crap and he and his assistants were ribbing Norm because he would leave to get lunch and wouldn’t eat anything but a salad. I wonder how all this Kansas cheating stuff sits with Norm? He’s a prominent assistant there, and I can tell you he didn’t come across as a person that would be happy about all of this.
[quote="Paultzman" post=358216][URL][/URL]=21[/quote]


Recall that the feckless NCAA hammered lightweight Cal Poly with 3 years probation
when it found that Cal Poly had in good faith misinterpreted the allowable book allowance to students athletes in all of its 18 sports which resulted in 72 students (many of whom were in non revenue sports) receiving anywhere from a whopping $5 to a lousy $734 more than they should have received for their book allowance.

Now please compare how harshly the NCAA dealt with Cal Poly's misunderstanding of the NCAA rules and how it has and will deal with seemingly repeated and intentional violations by Ari$ona, Kan$as, and other NCAA darlings.
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[quote="sjc88" post=358235][URL][/URL]

Well, well, well. Right on queue.[/quote]

I have yet to see anything in these articles wher a coach like Self is on record saying yes please send 100k to so and so for his commitment. It all sounds like flimsy to me. I still think all these schools get off with a slap otherwise they will hire high powered attorneys to get them off.