Losing by close margins or losing by huge margins is ultimately the same . Just as close Wins count the same as blow out Wins . Some have commented that Mullin’s Teams didn’t put out the best effort in his tenure . Was that Year 1 with far less talent than currently or year 2 , 3 or 4 ? If one believes that , it’s a indictment of the Players on the Court . Which I don’t believe . It would mean Clark, Simon, Ponds, Trimble , Owens, Ali, Mussini,Herron, Figgy, etc didn’t put out to the extent of their ability . I think we had some great Victories under Chris . Duke and Nova come to mind . Several wins over Marquette , etc . Certainly the Team’s record in his 4 years was not what we hoped for but , after Year 1 , the record was not horrendous . Laying the blame on a Coach for effort is misplaced . During his tenure , we were basically outmanned by BE opponents . Mullin , like Lavin before him , found it difficult to recruit prime recruits in our Metro Area . Ponds being the exception . It resulted in the limited BE success during those 4 years ..