Enright post=457550 said:
The plan at the end of the game is the same plan as the first Anderson game. Work the ball around and whoever feels they have an open shot take it. Nothing has changed in three years.
The end of game was a tough spot. It required setting the defense up for the inbound play (decision was to double Cole and leave the inbounder unguarded, which was fine except Cole got the ball anyway), instruct to foul, and then put in the options for down 1 or 2 or down 3 depending on how that played out. The right guy took the right shot at the end, under the circumstances.
My consistent critique of Anderson is halfcourt and crunch time play design and execution, but he didn't do a terrible job in that spot.
The most frustrating thing to me was that we let Sanogo and Martin play something like the last 17 minutes of the game with 3 fouls each. I don't know if that's on the coach or the players (other than the Julian mistake when he had an opportunity to pick up #4 on Martin, which had me tearing my few remaining hairs out when it happened, and it wound up biting us in the rear). But it isn't the sign of a team with a high basketball IQ.
In fairness the PG is usually the brains of your on floor operation and Posh and Pinzon are both out, but we have other guys who should be better at analyzing and executing even given the occasional deficiencies in tactical coaching.
No use crying over spilled milk, I guess. This is just going to be one of those "always a bridesmaid" seasons and hopefully we return enough of this core and add a couple of impact players to get married next year.