It is not just "moral reasons" it is for the reasons Logen stated, plus more. And, "moral reasons" are different in the context of a Catholic University than, say, the Univ. of Nebraska. While I fully realize that "Catholic Universities", even the best of them today are watered down partially secular versions of themselves from decades ago, they are still Catholic Universities. If SJU ever wants to ever be able to sell itself as a mission-based school that values Catholic principles, then you CAN NOT hire Pitino.
Of course, by basketball standards he is the best possible candidate, and one who would definitely bring basketball success. Only an idiot would not understand that. But hiring him would destroy any pretense that SJU is a Catholic University worth its stripes.
To the Vincentians and a lot of alums (mostly older I would concede) that matters. But older alliums buy tickets and donate to the school. And, are the backbone of the historical reputation of SJU as a place worth attending.
You can't look at hiring Pitino strictly thru the prism of basketball. Hell, by that standard, we should have hired Jerry Tarkanian back in the day.
Nope, the reason that there is ZERO chance he is hired here is precisely because he can't be.
Those who believe otherwise are fooling yourselves, don't understand the dynamic or don't care. A lot of hot air has been spent on this site in the past 18 hours pining over something that will NEVER happen.
[quote="stjohnschris" post=338708][quote="Logen" post=338692][quote="stjohnschris" post=338669]Pitino instantly puts us on the map, simple as that. Bobby H would do well for us, not a doubt. I wasn't impressed with his ASU team in their game against us, but I have faith that he would bring a level of coaching and recruiting here that we haven't seen in a long time. I suppose the dream is that one of those two options works out.[/quote]
Not sure I even want to get into Pitino because, while a completely personal thing , his hiring would end my more than 50 years as a Redmen fan. I realize non one should or would care about that so let my only other comments be practical. Have any of you many fans clamoring for his hire given a thought to what that would look like? For all the Pollyanna reformation tour talk do any of you really not understand there was a lot more dirt about his time at Louisville leading to his dismissal than has been made public? Have any of you given any thought to the field day the NY media will have uncovering that dirt? Not to mention the innuendos / rumors that will become part of that tabloid feeding frenzy? Do you really think a program reeling over decades of mismanagement, poor on-court performances, strip clubs, marijuana instances, the Rysheed Jordan fiasco, etc. can take that kind of gamble? Sure Pitino wants the job, and yes, no one can deny his coaching ability. But I own a risk/reward business and to me, regardless of personal feelings, the risk SJU would be taking hiring him would just not be the worth the potential reward. Because remember, great coaches are great coaches because they get great players and Pitino has never played it straight in getting those great players. Anyone think at 66 that leopard is going to change his spots? I sure don't. And neither will the NCAA.; SJU as sacrificial lamb anyone???[/quote]
It's impossible to know what the media would do with a Pitino/SJU combo, but winning and staying out of trouble would garner positive press. You reference several debacles and missteps by former players, coaches, admin, etc. All true. How long do we hold ourselves down for that? Realize it's self imposed at this point, and at best very very old news to anyone who is not an avid St John's basketball fan. People screw up, some do it under a spotlight, and no matter the 100% truth, it doesn't look good at all for a high profile coach at a top ranked school. I can understand why some don't want Pitino for moral reasons, I just not one of them.[/quote]