Passport time
I agree with you completely but wish to state, and I am unaware of the reasons for his requested transfer, his best move is to crawl back on his hands and knees and ask Coach Mullin and the AD to be part of the team going forward and be kept on a very short leash. Both parties could benefit.
I happen to agree with you. My biggest concern in that scenario is whether or not CO has the maturity level to accept the error of his ways and to actually follow through on whatever commitment he makes to Chris and his teammates. Granted he'd have a very very very short leash, but the last thing we need is an episode during the season after CO has an established roll on the team. Guess I'm somewhat on the fence.
I agree with what Monte and redmanorth write. I also agree with what everyone else writes;
It's like the ( intended to be witty, sarcastic whatever) story - that every lawyer has heard - of the judge saying, after closing argument, the defense was right, the prosecutor was right - and when questioned by the court clerk about the apparent impossibility of both being "right"- the judge responds to the clerk "you know you're right"!
So here's the story.
I'd take him back, give him minimal to fair minutes off the bench because SJU has nothing to lose BECAUSE Chris Mullin, if anyone, can handle CO.
It's like who was that Yankee pitcher Howe and Billy Martin who had endless chances - Richard Burton (Grover Cleveland :silly: Frank Morgan*** whom as the great Wizard of Oz played many roles in that glorious movie)-
CO hasn't had THAT many chances/reprieves/roles and I'd give him ONE single more - under the auspices of Coach Mullin in whom we trust.
Then again it's 1:50 am and maybe I'm dreaming as I post
I'd take him back after his crawl - low crawl for those who have been in the Army.
Thanks for listening. Back to sleep. GO ST JOHNS. Whether CO returns or not: Good times are here again!
*** buried in brooklyn's Greenwood Cemetery under his real name Frank Wupperman.