Oakland cops

 Didn't get it 45 years ago, still don't get it today.

you know something is happening
but you don't know what it is
do you
Mr. Jones

You have exposed your true identity! Welcome to redmen.com Robert Zimmerman!!!

I didn't realize we were all that old.

I think FUN graduated from SJ Lewis Ave in 1952 and was a member of the famous Final Four team and was known for telling jokes in the locker room to loosen up the team. He did not play much and it is rumored that whenever the coach McGuire put him in a game he would say to him " o.k., get in there clown".
 Meant to quote this for context....
time for mj to interject, "You were just clownin', right?"
Check out Oakland now. The rioters(protesters) are smashing windows with hammers shutting down business, not allowing people to walk into banks. It is a complete joke. How could anybody support this?

While I don't support them destroying property or preventing people from going into banks, I do support their free speech and what they are protesting. It's a very bad situation. I understand both sides. As a recent graduate with a master's degree in business who is struggling to find work in my field, I find it frustrating to know that while the CEO's are making hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, there are people out there who are struggling to find jobs just to be able to support their families. However, I also think that it is not the responsibility of the CEO's to look out for everyone else. They worked hard to get where they are, and should not have to sacrifice their success for others. The protesting is overall a negative thing, but unfortunately I don't think this is a situation that could be resolved by sitting down and having a quiet meeting.

"However, I also think that it is not the responsibility of the CEO's to look out for everyone else."

That is the crux of the dilemma, if you will. Capitalism is great, profit is great, but when is enough enough? Isn't there an inherent civic responsibility associated with being a business leader if a free, capitalistic society is to thrive long term? When people who want to work, have educated themselves to be productive members of society can't find employment while CEOs are "awarded" salaries and bonuses in the hundreds of millions of dollars; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken? When many in society have to accept a modern day version of indentured servitude paying back loans in order to get a competitive education; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken? Maybe that last example is a wee bit melodramatic but my point is government and business have sold the middle class a bill of patriotic goods while eroding the strength of any free society in search of more profit, more for our elected officials to skim off the top. We have created this "Me, Me, Me" society, where middle ground, the place where compromise and the common good create solutions, just doesn't exist anymore; where the WILLINGNESS to be open minded and look for real solutions even at the loss of personal gain, are seen to be a weakness, something to mock and prey upon. While this post may not seem it, I am staunchly conservative, but the civic responsibilities and involvement necessary for a strong, sustaining free enterprise system have been abandoned by the modern "Bush conservatives." And we are all paying big time for their over the top greed.
 Ayn rand says no....
I hate to say it, but I think Fun is far more correct than people like to admit.
I wonder why you hate to say it, if it is the truth.

I don't agree that the problem here is with the 1% though. The problem is Government spending on wars, oil contracts, war contracts, lobby groups, special interests and the like. Occupy Wall Street IMO is misguided. Maybe "Occupy Pentagon" or "Occupy Politicians Homes" would be more appropriate outlet.

We can't fault the banker for being greedy. Bankers have always been that way. We can fault our government for stealing our money, legally of course. The reason our country is floundering is because our tax dollars were and are handed out by our leaders, like beers at a frat party. They handed it to bankers, big oil, the war machine and countless other avenues. We spend 4-6 trillion occupying Iraq. A country at did nothing to us and wasn't even a hotbed of "terror". We destabilized the region on top of it, overthrowing a dictator. All in the name of war contracts.
I find this sort of vague conspiracy mongering about greedy bankers and a shadowy military industrial complex pointless and misguided. Although I think generally that our foreign policy is preposterous and that military intervention in the Mideast was precipitous and unjustified, the US has somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 trillion dollars in unfunded social liabilities - that's enough to finance 100 wars in Iraq, lasting 1000 years. That is not the issue and that is not the danger.

Speaking of poetry: there's something happening here. Let me be exactly clear what's going down.

The United States is headed towards a social and economic caste system. On the one hand will be a 51 percent majority comprising three groups. (1) An underclass of peoples who subsist in the main by sucking on the government teat - cradle to grave healthcare and welfare, aid to dependents, food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare. Presiding over this bloated and ever growing bureaucracy will be (2a) a vast cadre of diversity coordinators and other pointless civil servants, abetted by (2b) a government mandated propaganda system comprising the media and the educational system, all of whom will receive generous salaries, benefits, and extended retirement pensions from their overseers, an (3) elite group of functionaries and officials who spend their days jetting to golf vacations on Marthas Vineyard in their taxpayer funded planes, where they dine on taxpayer funded Kobe beef and afterwards attend taxpayer funded gala balls, rising in the morning to send out communiques reminding the taxpayers to turn down their thermostats and debating what sort of toilet paper the taxpayers will be permitted to flush down their government seal of approval toilets.

On the other hand will be the taxpayers, aka the "middle class", a 49 percent minority of drones, who'll spend their days stooped over in the fields meeting an agricultural quota imposed upon them by the Assistant Vice Undersecretary of Rice and Other Cereal Grains, a recent Harvard graduate, at the US Federal Department of Agricultural Quotients and Quotas.

On the bright side I expect I'll be dead by the time this socialist utopia arrives. But I don’t doubt that my comrades will find a use for my ashes, as fertilizer, for the common good.
 That's a very cogent take on things fun. Ayn Rand had a lot of it right imho
 If you are 20 and not a socialist you have no heart and if your are 30 and still a socialist you have no brain.

The original quote was from the great Winston Churchill and was " If you are 20 years old and aren't a liberal you haven't a heart. If you are 40 and still aren't a conservative then you haven't a brain."