Oakland cops

He and his people would never tolerate porn.
Actually, other than occasional chafing I tolerate porn handsomely.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.
"The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man's spiritual nature, of his feelings and of his intellect . . . They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions, and their sensations. They conferred as against the government the right to be left alone -- the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men."
-- Louis Brandeis

The most right most valued by civilized men. Perhaps that's why you find it confounding.
He and his people would never tolerate porn.
Actually, other than occasional chafing I tolerate porn handsomely.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.
"The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man's spiritual nature, of his feelings and of his intellect . . . They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions, and their sensations. They conferred as against the government the right to be left alone -- the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men."
-- Louis Brandeis

The most right most valued by civilized men. Perhaps that's why you find it confounding.

Not at all.
It's simple enough for even you to adhere to.
He and his people would never tolerate porn.
Actually, other than occasional chafing I tolerate porn handsomely.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.

And the non-working, anarchists, rapists, flag burning, free loafers down at Zuccotti Park is the reason the Democratic Party exists today, no? I am sure that is why you are a member. 
He and his people would never tolerate porn.
Actually, other than occasional chafing I tolerate porn handsomely.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.

And the non-working, anarchists, rapists, flag burning, free loafers down at Zuccotti Park is the reason the Democratic Party exists today, no? I am sure that is why you are a member. 

I have friends and family who have participated in "Occupy."
Not one of them meets your description.
He and his people would never tolerate porn.
Actually, other than occasional chafing I tolerate porn handsomely.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.

And the non-working, anarchists, rapists, flag burning, free loafers down at Zuccotti Park is the reason the Democratic Party exists today, no? I am sure that is why you are a member. 

I have friends and family who have participated in "Occupy."
Not one of them meets your description.

The news says different.
He and his people would never tolerate porn.
Actually, other than occasional chafing I tolerate porn handsomely.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.

And the non-working, anarchists, rapists, flag burning, free loafers down at Zuccotti Park is the reason the Democratic Party exists today, no? I am sure that is why you are a member. 

I have friends and family who have participated in "Occupy."
Not one of them meets your description.

The news says different.

Stop watching fox.
He and his people would never tolerate porn.
Actually, other than occasional chafing I tolerate porn handsomely.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.

And the non-working, anarchists, rapists, flag burning, free loafers down at Zuccotti Park is the reason the Democratic Party exists today, no? I am sure that is why you are a member. 

I have friends and family who have participated in "Occupy."
Not one of them meets your description.

The news says different.

Stop watching fox.

You are right, video of the events doesn't mean anything. More than 1,000 arrests doesn't mean anything. A pamphlet at OWS (Phoenix) titled "When to kill a cop" does not mean anything. Throwing bottles at cops, destroying other people's property and setting fires doesn't mean anything. OWS is a totally peaceful event by upstanding citizens who just want to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

By the way here is a video of an occupier describing the lawlessness, enjoy

He and his people would never tolerate porn.
Actually, other than occasional chafing I tolerate porn handsomely.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.

And the non-working, anarchists, rapists, flag burning, free loafers down at Zuccotti Park is the reason the Democratic Party exists today, no? I am sure that is why you are a member. 

I have friends and family who have participated in "Occupy."
Not one of them meets your description.

The news says different.

Stop watching fox.

You are right, video of the events doesn't mean anything. More than 1,000 arrests doesn't mean anything. A pamphlet at OWS (Phoenix) titled "When to kill a cop" does not mean anything. Throwing bottles at cops, destroying other people's property and setting fires doesn't mean anything. OWS is a totally peaceful event by upstanding citizens who just want to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

By the way here is a video of an occupier describing the lawlessness, enjoy


smells like fox.
smells like fox.

If you want to be taken seriously as a moralist you might want to reconsider being quite so cavalier when discussing raped handicapped persons. Unless you and those members of your family who are out marching in solidarity with the downtrodden feel that its your civic duty to condone sodomizing the defenseless in pursuit of the greater good. In which case, continue fighting the power. 
smells like fox.

If you want to be taken seriously as a moralist you might want to reconsider being quite so cavalier when discussing raped handicapped persons. Unless you and those members of your family who are out marching in solidarity with the downtrodden feel that its your civic duty to condone sodomizing the defenseless in pursuit of the greater good. In which case, continue fighting the power. 

Took you all night to come up with that?
Go back to your Bill Buckley sarcasm dictionary, even you can do better.
Raped handicapped persons?
Took you all night to come up with that?

Well no. After signing off from this important forum yesterday afternoon I had a couple of Rob Roys (John Black, dry, up, cherry), prepared dinner - turkey cutlets, collards tossed in olive oil w roasted garlic, and a pilaf from a recipe that grandmater used to make, accompanied by an Australian Shiraz called Revolution, its a bit pricey, but hell I'm worth it - after which I read a bit (I'm about three quarters of the way through Anthony Burgess's ReJoyce, which is frankly riveting), then although its none of your business I threw the current Mrs Fun a quick one, slept late, had bit of a run and a cup of coffee this morning, then signed on to this august forum to see if there was any exciting recruiting new, which is when I saw your exceedingly stupid comment, to which I replied. Took all of about three minutes actually. About half the time I gave TCM Fun, you should be flattered.

Raped handicapped persons?

Yes, the poor deaf person who was brutally raped in the Spicoli Park, as reported by one of the movement organizers in the video posted above, which you mocked. From you answer I take it you do not mind when developmently challenged persons are viciously sodomized, as long as they are pentrated by someone who shares your political sensibilities. Personally I believe that no one should ever be sexually assaulted and would never march to support a rapist, but if you feel the need to defend sexual predators I will certainly defend your right to say so, despite the repulsiveness of the sentiment and the reprehensibility of the speaker.
 I think the occupy movement should make their way down and try to occupy the Pentagon. It is in fact under the ruse of "war" that the us government has occupied a country that never attacked the us nor us interests and has spent countless trillions of taxpayer dollars just to keep the war business machine well oiled.

As fun pointed out, it is the US government-lead decisions and greed that have lead to our precipitous downfall. Instead of blaming greedy bankers and CEO's, what needs to be examined is the real problem, which is government. Bankers have always been greedy. Disparity in wealth is not solely because the top 1% are squeezing the bottom 99. Government spending, government backed mortgages, special interests, wars and the like have a lot more to do with our current state of affairs than Jamie Dimon or other greedy bankers.
I have purposely remained far away from this thread for a long time. But I have had enough.

I want the protesters out. That's it. Pure and simple.

I have a right to vent this opinion, because I live in the neighborhood. For the last six weeks, residents of downtown have placated the protesters. At first, many sided with them. Now, guess what, we are sick and tired of them. I went to the Community Board 1 meeting, and I can tell you the opinions from the residents down here have changed dramatically. Heck, even my local reps Silver and Nadler -- hardly the pair you will see at the next Newt Gingrich rally -- said it is time for them to go.

And before anyone throws the 1 percent crap at me, just don't. My wife and I are hardly part of any 1 percent. We just want our neighborhood back. I want to get around without having to slalom a million and one barricades. Zuccotti park has become a blight on the financial district.

I see that everyday. I don't need a FOX news lens telling me that either. Heck, I'll walk around watching, listening, and genuflecting to NPR and MSNBC, and it still won't matter. It is time for the protesters to go.
 Alfredo, you could have just typed "NIMBY" and saved a lot of key strokes. ; )
Dear Fordham,

Even behind the quotation of a community board member (what an august title), stigmatization of the mentally ill is taboo. I can assure you that some of the people involved with OWS suffer from mental illness, just as I can assure you that somewhere within a fifty mile radius of where you are there is someone suffering from both mental illness and substance abuse disorders (probably bipolar affective disorder and alcoholism) who is chairman or ceo of a Fortune 500 company. When one of the afflicted OWS participants becomes symptomatic to the point of it being a problem, they are probably taken in to custody. When the corporate leader becomes symptomatic to the point that it's a problem, the corporate helicopter flies in the psychiatric team that is always on standby and the CEO is re-stabilized as rapidly as possible.

I try to avoid most of the virtual intellectual testosterone on this board, but having witnessed how difficult recovery is over a 40 + year professional career, this is the one domain where I feel compelled to add two cents.

Of course the other opinion I restrain mysaelf from contributing involves board-wide acceptance of the already proven fact that FUN is smarter, richer, and better at parsing and responding to prose than all of us and that given this circumstance, all of his future posts should be required to be both terse and verse.
Best article I have read on the Occupy movement:

New ‘Occupiers' birthed from old anti-Westernism
Kelly Sloan

It would be a mistake, really, to think the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that has popped up in cities across the U.S., Canada, and Europe the past few weeks, is some sort of fresh, new, original phenomena.

It is, in fact, merely the most recent manifestation of a predominantly anti-Western sentiment that was birthed in the 1960s, and has periodically flared up, continually in search of a catalyst, since that time. Some of its more notable revivals were observed in the anti-nuclear protests of the 1980s, the anti-globalization riots in Seattle, Quebec City and elsewhere during the 1990s and beyond, the hysterical anti-Bush protests throughout the 2000s, and, more recently, the social upheavals in London and Greece.

That it is difficult to discern just what, exactly, the occupiers would like to see come about as a result of their shenanigans is by now something of a cliché. Media interviews, a scanning of the occupiers visual aids, and random conversations with the denizens of the “occupied” areas reveal a deluge of real, perceived, and imagined social ills (elucidated with varying degrees of eloquence, but generally boiling down to some form of “he's got an iPad, and I ain't got one”) brought about by the inequities built in to the current system, etc. When pressed for a solution, the typical response seems to range from confused bewilderment, through murky, non-committal circumlocutions (again delivered with divergent levels of skill), to unguarded calls for socialist revolution.

It is the negative definition of the movement — they are not so much “for” anything as “against” what currently exists — that serves as the unifying factor; and what they are against is nothing less than the West, and the civilization that it has wrought over the past thousand-plus years, especially as symbolized by America. The same contempt and disdain for the structures and institutions of the West — capitalism, Christianity, the rule of law, individualism, natural orders and traditions, etc. — that is evident among the throngs in New York, Denver, Oakland and elsewhere, was being spewed long before the OWS crowd commenced their current temper tantrum, and is what brings them into communion with the radical leftists of Europe and of previous years. How many of the erstwhile London rioters, for instance, do you suppose are currently “occupying” St. Paul's Cathedral?

There are a couple ironies in all of this; the first is that this movement toward deracination of Western culture is in part a product of the West's own success. The spoiled-brat class that populates the bulk of the OWS crowds, the London rioters, and the Greek mobs, is composed mainly of a generation that has become accustomed to being taken care of.

In Europe especially, where 50-plus years of experimentation with Social Democracy is now beginning to crumble under its own weight, the realization that the bill is now well past due is a frightening shock to a 20-something kid who thought that the state would provide for him. Ill-equipped to deal with reality after a lifetime of socialization, the only option he sees available to him is not to take responsibility for his own life, but to strike out at “the system,” a target conveniently presented to him by a local leftist organizer.

Rather than focus their rage on the source of their economic woes - an expansionist government that granted itself plenipotentiary power to organize society independent of natural and economic laws - they look for an easy scapegoat; the banking system, the rich, the church, the police, and so forth.

A second irony is that while there are serious economic problems plaguing both Europe and America, most, if not all, of these problems - many of which the occupiers themselves ostensibly carry on about - can only be solved by the very system that the protesters rail against; and would in fact be intensified under the system that some of them are coherent, or careless, enough to define as a replacement.

The final irony is that while clamoring for more freebies from government, the protesters also strain against the checks necessary in a free society. They want a society where a central authority exists to manage, distribute, and equalize, but not to bridle the more basal human instincts and appetites; restraints which provide order and structure in society, and which are the foundation upon which a free people build.

The OWS movement is zygotic with the war on western culture, which is why it should be unsettling to those who recognize the beauty and achievements, alongside the scars, of our civilization. 

Of course the other opinion I restrain mysaelf from contributing involves board-wide acceptance of the already proven fact that FUN is smarter, richer, and better at parsing and responding to prose than all of us and that given this circumstance, all of his future posts should be required to be both terse and verse.
No doubt I am bright
In that you are right
And as to how I parse
You bet you arse
But I'm not nearly as rich
As you're a little female dog
I don't normally read these forums but this has been ultimately entertaining! I would like to add my comments as well. When my business started tanking two years ago I started working harder. The only problem was that I was in a very bad sector of the economy. I decided to go out and find more work. I have since contracted to work for two other companies as an independent contractor.
I am currenty in Florida for the weekend to attend the Gators vs. Vandy football game at my daughter's soon to be alma mater. About a half hour ago I was speaking with a gentleman who works here. He does custodial work here. We discussed how we both found additional income ( he also works three jobs) and how the younger generation today dosen't get it. They feel entitled. He intimated that they should get off their a**es and go out and find work instead of crying and whining. He told me he was a Democrat and it was all the Bush's fault. I wanted to explain to him that he was really a Republican because he believed in self reliance as well as the dignity of self. I didn't. I realized that he was black and from the south and had been politically brainwashed all his life and my brief explaination was not going to convince him.
To all the supporters of this OWS movement I say tell those you know who are protesting, be a true American. Go get a job! Any job so you can support yourself and don't have to rely on me and the rest of those who would never let ourselves be debased by taking from others. Anyone with the will can do anything they want in this world. It may be difficult at times but it can be done. Stop whining and go to work!
By the way, the Occupy Gainesville demonstration is right accross the stree from my hotel. Those 4 people look very hungry, cold and, oh, lonely!
Go Gators!
Wrong gender, wrong species
Why the verbal feces
Otherwise, a bravo you earned
You've reminded me now
As I reread my Mao
Why most of these dialogues I've spurned 