Oakland cops

Watch it jackass.My wife runs a hospice up here and she and many of her staff have particpated in the movement in Boston.
You obviously don't even get the point of the protestors.
Go read your YAF scrapbooks and don't go there again.

I find your continual vague threats exceedingly stupid and boring. I'm sorry, did I say exceedingly stupid and boring? I meant terrifying obviously. They're quite terrifying. In fact, let me check, yes: it seems I've soiled my pants. I hope you're happy now. This is never going to come out.

I kid obviously and have to apologize. See, I didn't know that there were threads in which you were the arbiter of what sort of thought was acceptable and what sort of expression of that thought was appropriate. I thought they did away with that forum where you would call everyone who disagreed with you despicable names and then delete the posts where anyone complained or responded in kind because you were completely incapable of defending your point of view in an open and fair debate and had to resort to petty censorship. I thought there was a code of conduct, within the bounds of which my free speech was protected. I see now that I was mistaken. My bad.

He once pronounced on the "old" redmen.com a list of "beliefs" that he subscribes too. A regular cavalcade of progressive thought and instincts that among many other things was used to innoculate him against any charges of bigotry or suppression of free speech only to engage in these substandard practices himself.
only to engage in these practices himself.

I saw fat slob Michael Mooooore on Piers Morgan the other day vehemently denying that he was part of the 1 percent, despite being a multimillionaire who owns stock in Haliburton and produces enormous profits working for a giant evil corporation. Instead, he sees himself as downtrodden and subversive. Evidently the difference between Moore the multimillionaire and other less good multimillionaires is that Moore spends his money on things that Moooooore thinks are good - chocolate cake and sausages presumably - whereas these other fellows spend their money on things that Michael Mooooore disapproves of - nuclear weapons and Snidely Whiplash mustache wax perhaps. Generally I write such people off as hypocrites but some are so obviously pure in spirit that there must be another, more benign explanation. In Moore's case he's to be forgiven because it's obvious that he finds other people's gluttony repulsive. No doubt there aare redmen dot com posters who are similarly holy 
Peace brothers!! Hey Fun, Tom, Fordham and the boys, let's have some fun and sing along .........there are more important things than losing West Virginia ee ya a to the Mighty Big 12 or is it 10 or is it nine? Come on one and all, even first cousins married in old Morgantown!

And a one, and a two.........

Well, come on all of you, big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Afghanistan
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Afghanistan;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Come on Wall Street, don't be slow,
Why man, this is war au-go-go
There's plenty good money to be made
By supplying the Army with the tools of its trade,
But just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,
They drop it on the Taliban.

And it's one, two, three.........  
Peace brothers!! Hey Fun, Tom, Fordham and the boys, let's have some fun and sing along .........there are more important things than losing West Virginia ee ya a to the Mighty Big 12 or is it 10 or is it nine? Come on one and all, even first cousins married in old Morgantown!

And a one, and a two.........

Well, come on all of you, big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Afghanistan
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for ?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Afghanistan;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Come on Wall Street, don't be slow,
Why man, this is war au-go-go
There's plenty good money to be made
By supplying the Army with the tools of its trade,
But just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,
They drop it on the Taliban.

And it's one, two, three.........  
Country Joe would be tickled pink.
oakland police did what they did because they could. bullying is an american sport. there will be an "investigation"...but no repercussions. new york police rioted several weeks ago because they could. the racist mayor and his buttboy moammar kelly were flip about it. no repercussions. as moammar kelly said to a bunch of arrestees who were later acquitted, "enjoy the baloney sandwiches".
oakland police did what they did because they could. bullying is an american sport. there will be an "investigation"...but no repercussions. new york police rioted several weeks ago because they could. the racist mayor and his buttboy moammar kelly were flip about it. no repercussions. as moammar kelly said to a bunch of arrestees who were later acquitted, "enjoy the baloney sandwiches".

Oh. The police are the ones who are rioting, Ah, Right.....now I get it. :S
Doesn't anyone understand the "Police" are just the pawns caught in the middle of this struggle (as always). Does anyone think the "Police" actually WANT to be down there overseeing what goes on..
I can see any and all intelligent discussion on this matter is over, I'm out....
I'll just go back to the normal basketball topics where the level of moronic chatter is just a little less pronounced...
 It seems to me that getting bottles and rocks thrown at you is a pretty good reason to retaliate with tear gas:


Sadam would have been proud! In the next Oakland budget meeting they should make a strong push for the old fashion water cannons! Like beer, it is cheaper than gas. LOL!
If people were throwing rocks and bottles at the police (as was stated by one of the protesters interviewed and the police) then the police had every right to use tear gas to disperse them. What should they have done- asked all those not throwing bottles to leave so they could target only the rock throwers or calmly handed the rocks and bottles back to the throwers so they could throw them again. I'm only going by what has been reported as are all others here unless you were in Oakland at the scene. Whether one is in favor of the protesters' cause or not, the throwing of bottles at police is asking for a show of force.
Check out Oakland now. The rioters(protesters) are smashing windows with hammers shutting down business, not allowing people to walk into banks. It is a complete joke. How could anybody support this?
Check out Oakland now. The rioters(protesters) are smashing windows with hammers shutting down business, not allowing people to walk into banks. It is a complete joke. How could anybody support this?

Hey chump, watch it, you are talking about my cousin.

After throwing his chair thru a Starbucks window, he was forced to the ground and handcuffed. Thus destroying his bologna and cheese sandwich that was in his pocket.

Now those pigs are really going to get it, nobody destroys bologna in my family and gets away with it.
Check out Oakland now. The rioters(protesters) are smashing windows with hammers shutting down business, not allowing people to walk into banks. It is a complete joke. How could anybody support this?

While I don't support them destroying property or preventing people from going into banks, I do support their free speech and what they are protesting. It's a very bad situation. I understand both sides. As a recent graduate with a master's degree in business who is struggling to find work in my field, I find it frustrating to know that while the CEO's are making hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, there are people out there who are struggling to find jobs just to be able to support their families. However, I also think that it is not the responsibility of the CEO's to look out for everyone else. They worked hard to get where they are, and should not have to sacrifice their success for others. The protesting is overall a negative thing, but unfortunately I don't think this is a situation that could be resolved by sitting down and having a quiet meeting.
Check out Oakland now. The rioters(protesters) are smashing windows with hammers shutting down business, not allowing people to walk into banks. It is a complete joke. How could anybody support this?

While I don't support them destroying property or preventing people from going into banks, I do support their free speech and what they are protesting. It's a very bad situation. I understand both sides. As a recent graduate with a master's degree in business who is struggling to find work in my field, I find it frustrating to know that while the CEO's are making hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, there are people out there who are struggling to find jobs just to be able to support their families. However, I also think that it is not the responsibility of the CEO's to look out for everyone else. They worked hard to get where they are, and should not have to sacrifice their success for others. The protesting is overall a negative thing, but unfortunately I don't think this is a situation that could be resolved by sitting down and having a quiet meeting.

"However, I also think that it is not the responsibility of the CEO's to look out for everyone else."

That is the crux of the dilemma, if you will. Capitalism is great, profit is great, but when is enough enough? Isn't there an inherent civic responsibility associated with being a business leader if a free, capitalistic society is to thrive long term? When people who want to work, have educated themselves to be productive members of society can't find employment while CEOs are "awarded" salaries and bonuses in the hundreds of millions of dollars; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken? When many in society have to accept a modern day version of indentured servitude paying back loans in order to get a competitive education; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken? Maybe that last example is a wee bit melodramatic but my point is government and business have sold the middle class a bill of patriotic goods while eroding the strength of any free society in search of more profit, more for our elected officials to skim off the top. We have created this "Me, Me, Me" society, where middle ground, the place where compromise and the common good create solutions, just doesn't exist anymore; where the WILLINGNESS to be open minded and look for real solutions even at the loss of personal gain, are seen to be a weakness, something to mock and prey upon. While this post may not seem it, I am staunchly conservative, but the civic responsibilities and involvement necessary for a strong, sustaining free enterprise system have been abandoned by the modern "Bush conservatives." And we are all paying big time for their over the top greed.
The worm is starting to turn. After weeks of sympathizing and indulging these "people" downtown both the local community board and politicians are getting fed up.

Erstwhile liberal politicians like Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and local Congressman Jerrold Nadler have begun to speak out AGAINST the occupation of Zuccotti Park, no doubt hearing protests from their local constituents who have had to live with this for weeks.

At a recent Community Board meeting board members, many of whom initially expressed sympathy for these protesters weeks ago when it started, have begun to have a big change of heart and realize that it was a mistake to allow this. After reports of drug use, rapes and unsanitary living conditions they have begun to demand the removal of these people.

What is most interesting is that most of these board members are dye in the wool liberals and normally abhor any attempt to stifle the 1st Amendment. But apparently they have realized that this is not about the 1st Amendment or about Free Speech in general. Read what one board member said last night:

“It’s a crime scene down there, and it’s attracting all of the worst people in this city,” said a board member. “We’re hearing reports of rapes, assaults, violence, drug use. The mentally ill are assembling. It’s a public hazard.” There is also concern for businesses. “At this rate, they’re not going to make it through the Christmas season,” the chair of the Small Business Committee said, bluntly. He mentioned Mark Epstein, owner of the Milk Street Café, by name. “This is a new business and he’s not going to make it. It’s an outrage. After all of the economics problems with the loss of the World Trade Center, this is too much to take.”

Another board member rejected the claim of allowing them on the basis of the 1st Amendent "Right to Asemble." Again once used as a defense now they are claiming it does not hold water. What if a truly incendiary group wanted to occupy a local park, would we (community board) allow it they now ask? We have now set a precedent where we would have to allow it, no? BIG MISTAKE apparently:

“Are we seriously suggesting that if a jihadist or neo-Nazi group moved in, they would have been indulged like this?” asked a community-board member pointedly. “Or the Klan!” interjected another. Meanwhile, the chairman worried about the precedent: “If any other group moves in in the future, would we be able to evict them, given the example we have set?” His ashen expression answered his own question.
That is the crux of the dilemma, if you will. Capitalism is great, profit is great, but when is enough enough? Isn't there an inherent civic responsibility associated with being a business leader if a free, capitalistic society is to thrive long term?
This is silly.

In the first place, it wasn't scary capitalist CEOs and the free market that caused the financial meltdown, it was the government, which in pursuit of chimeric equality forced banks to lend money to unqualified home buyers, which bad loans were bundled by Fannie and Freddie under the aegis of various dimocrat party functionaries like Jim Johnson and harold Raines and Jamie Gorelick - the latter which dim bulb has done more damage to the United States singlehandedly than did bin Laden - who cooked their books and garnered 100s of millions of dollars in bonuses, while lining the pockets of criminals like Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd. It was the government that created and the meltdown, not the market, because the market doesn't give mortgages to unemployed illegal aliens with 60 percent debt to earning ratios. Because the market wants its money back. The government doesn't, it wants whats "fair."

And in the second, the single greatest freedom in this country is that their is no inherent civic responsibility. It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant. If this country were truly free I'd have been able to add "with a really hot paid Slavic escort on your arm." But we are far from free.

When people who want to work, have educated themselves to be productive members of society can't find employment while CEOs are "awarded" salaries and bonuses in the hundreds of millions of dollars; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken?
The nitwits sleeping in their own excrement in Canoli Park [sic] are neither educated nor productive members of society. They can't identify what's broken, much less offer a fix.

When many in society have to accept a modern day version of indentured servitude paying back loans in order to get a competitive education; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken?
I'm sorry, but how many indentured servants had IPODs, cable TV, credit cards, cell phones and X Boxes? How many indentured servants had health care, much less health care paid for by their parents until they reach the ripe young age of 26? You're talking about a bunch of crybabies who borrowed too much money and got too little in return and now want some else to shoulder their load so they can get back to getting high and hooking up. Because growing up is scary.

Maybe that last example is a wee bit melodramatic but my point is government and business have sold the middle class a bill of patriotic goods while eroding the strength of any free society in search of more profit, more for our elected officials to skim off the top.
The government isn't running a "profit": it's in debt to the tune of 150 TRILLION DOLLARS. I agree that our elected officials are all rouges and scoundrels; they should be hung by their heels like Mussolini. But that's the fault of the dupes that voted for them. Because voters get the elected officials they deserve.

We have created this
Who's "we" Kemosabe?

While this post may not seem it, I am staunchly conservative, but the civic responsibilities and involvement necessary for a strong, sustaining free enterprise system have been abandoned by the modern "Bush conservatives." And we are all paying big time for their over the top greed.
Finally some slight common ground. Bush conservatives - to my mind any oxymoron - have indeed abandoned the free market, which free market the left abandoned in the 1930s. "We" lost our freedoms a long time ago, because most sheeple are all too happy to cede their rights to the government as long as they get to abdicate their responsibilities as well. Hence the exponential growth of the entitlement state. Hence our descent into compassionate fascism. Hence twilight.
That is the crux of the dilemma, if you will. Capitalism is great, profit is great, but when is enough enough? Isn't there an inherent civic responsibility associated with being a business leader if a free, capitalistic society is to thrive long term?
This is silly.

In the first place, it wasn't scary capitalist CEOs and the free market that caused the financial meltdown, it was the government, which in pursuit of chimeric equality forced banks to lend money to unqualified home buyers, which bad loans were bundled by Fannie and Freddie under the aegis of various dimocrat party functionaries like Jim Johnson and harold Raines and Jamie Gorelick - the latter which dim bulb has done more damage to the United States singlehandedly than did bin Laden - who cooked their books and garnered 100s of millions of dollars in bonuses, while lining the pockets of criminals like Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd. It was the government that created and the meltdown, not the market, because the market doesn't give mortgages to unemployed illegal aliens with 60 percent debt to earning ratios. Because the market wants its money back. The government doesn't, it wants whats "fair."

And in the second, the single greatest freedom in this country is that their is no inherent civic responsibility. It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant. If this country were truly free I'd have been able to add "with a really hot paid Slavic escort on your arm." But we are far from free.

When people who want to work, have educated themselves to be productive members of society can't find employment while CEOs are "awarded" salaries and bonuses in the hundreds of millions of dollars; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken?
The nitwits sleeping in their own excrement in Canoli Park [sic] are neither educated nor productive members of society. They can't identify what's broken, much less offer a fix.

When many in society have to accept a modern day version of indentured servitude paying back loans in order to get a competitive education; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken?
I'm sorry, but how many indentured servants had IPODs, cable TV, credit cards, cell phones and X Boxes? How many indentured servants had health care, much less health care paid for by their parents until they reach the ripe young age of 26? You're talking about a bunch of crybabies who borrowed too much money and got too little in return and now want some else to shoulder their load so they can get back to getting high and hooking up. Because growing up is scary.

Maybe that last example is a wee bit melodramatic but my point is government and business have sold the middle class a bill of patriotic goods while eroding the strength of any free society in search of more profit, more for our elected officials to skim off the top.
The government isn't running a "profit": it's in debt to the tune of 150 TRILLION DOLLARS. I agree that our elected officials are all rouges and scoundrels; they should be hung by their heels like Mussolini. But that's the fault of the dupes that voted for them. Because voters get the elected officials they deserve.

We have created this
Who's "we" Kemosabe?

While this post may not seem it, I am staunchly conservative, but the civic responsibilities and involvement necessary for a strong, sustaining free enterprise system have been abandoned by the modern "Bush conservatives." And we are all paying big time for their over the top greed.
Finally some slight common ground. Bush conservatives - to my mind any oxymoron - have indeed abandoned the free market, which free market the left abandoned in the 1930s. "We" lost our freedoms a long time ago, because most sheeple are all too happy to cede their rights to the government as long as they get to abdicate their responsibilities as well. Hence the exponential growth of the entitlement state. Hence our descent into compassionate fascism. Hence twilight.

Listen, I appreciate you finally dissecting one of my posts with one of your intelligensia-babble masturbation exercises; in the interest of quid pro quo, glad I could keep you off porn for the afternoon.
That is the crux of the dilemma, if you will. Capitalism is great, profit is great, but when is enough enough? Isn't there an inherent civic responsibility associated with being a business leader if a free, capitalistic society is to thrive long term?
This is silly.

In the first place, it wasn't scary capitalist CEOs and the free market that caused the financial meltdown, it was the government, which in pursuit of chimeric equality forced banks to lend money to unqualified home buyers, which bad loans were bundled by Fannie and Freddie under the aegis of various dimocrat party functionaries like Jim Johnson and harold Raines and Jamie Gorelick - the latter which dim bulb has done more damage to the United States singlehandedly than did bin Laden - who cooked their books and garnered 100s of millions of dollars in bonuses, while lining the pockets of criminals like Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd. It was the government that created and the meltdown, not the market, because the market doesn't give mortgages to unemployed illegal aliens with 60 percent debt to earning ratios. Because the market wants its money back. The government doesn't, it wants whats "fair."

And in the second, the single greatest freedom in this country is that their is no inherent civic responsibility. It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant. If this country were truly free I'd have been able to add "with a really hot paid Slavic escort on your arm." But we are far from free.

When people who want to work, have educated themselves to be productive members of society can't find employment while CEOs are "awarded" salaries and bonuses in the hundreds of millions of dollars; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken?
The nitwits sleeping in their own excrement in Canoli Park [sic] are neither educated nor productive members of society. They can't identify what's broken, much less offer a fix.

When many in society have to accept a modern day version of indentured servitude paying back loans in order to get a competitive education; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken?
I'm sorry, but how many indentured servants had IPODs, cable TV, credit cards, cell phones and X Boxes? How many indentured servants had health care, much less health care paid for by their parents until they reach the ripe young age of 26? You're talking about a bunch of crybabies who borrowed too much money and got too little in return and now want some else to shoulder their load so they can get back to getting high and hooking up. Because growing up is scary.

Maybe that last example is a wee bit melodramatic but my point is government and business have sold the middle class a bill of patriotic goods while eroding the strength of any free society in search of more profit, more for our elected officials to skim off the top.
The government isn't running a "profit": it's in debt to the tune of 150 TRILLION DOLLARS. I agree that our elected officials are all rouges and scoundrels; they should be hung by their heels like Mussolini. But that's the fault of the dupes that voted for them. Because voters get the elected officials they deserve.

We have created this
Who's "we" Kemosabe?

While this post may not seem it, I am staunchly conservative, but the civic responsibilities and involvement necessary for a strong, sustaining free enterprise system have been abandoned by the modern "Bush conservatives." And we are all paying big time for their over the top greed.
Finally some slight common ground. Bush conservatives - to my mind any oxymoron - have indeed abandoned the free market, which free market the left abandoned in the 1930s. "We" lost our freedoms a long time ago, because most sheeple are all too happy to cede their rights to the government as long as they get to abdicate their responsibilities as well. Hence the exponential growth of the entitlement state. Hence our descent into compassionate fascism. Hence twilight.

Very well said.
That is the crux of the dilemma, if you will. Capitalism is great, profit is great, but when is enough enough? Isn't there an inherent civic responsibility associated with being a business leader if a free, capitalistic society is to thrive long term?
This is silly.

In the first place, it wasn't scary capitalist CEOs and the free market that caused the financial meltdown, it was the government, which in pursuit of chimeric equality forced banks to lend money to unqualified home buyers, which bad loans were bundled by Fannie and Freddie under the aegis of various dimocrat party functionaries like Jim Johnson and harold Raines and Jamie Gorelick - the latter which dim bulb has done more damage to the United States singlehandedly than did bin Laden - who cooked their books and garnered 100s of millions of dollars in bonuses, while lining the pockets of criminals like Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd. It was the government that created and the meltdown, not the market, because the market doesn't give mortgages to unemployed illegal aliens with 60 percent debt to earning ratios. Because the market wants its money back. The government doesn't, it wants whats "fair."

And in the second, the single greatest freedom in this country is that their is no inherent civic responsibility. It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant. If this country were truly free I'd have been able to add "with a really hot paid Slavic escort on your arm." But we are far from free.

When people who want to work, have educated themselves to be productive members of society can't find employment while CEOs are "awarded" salaries and bonuses in the hundreds of millions of dollars; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken?
The nitwits sleeping in their own excrement in Canoli Park [sic] are neither educated nor productive members of society. They can't identify what's broken, much less offer a fix.

When many in society have to accept a modern day version of indentured servitude paying back loans in order to get a competitive education; isn't that a rather obvious sign the system is broken?
I'm sorry, but how many indentured servants had IPODs, cable TV, credit cards, cell phones and X Boxes? How many indentured servants had health care, much less health care paid for by their parents until they reach the ripe young age of 26? You're talking about a bunch of crybabies who borrowed too much money and got too little in return and now want some else to shoulder their load so they can get back to getting high and hooking up. Because growing up is scary.

Maybe that last example is a wee bit melodramatic but my point is government and business have sold the middle class a bill of patriotic goods while eroding the strength of any free society in search of more profit, more for our elected officials to skim off the top.
The government isn't running a "profit": it's in debt to the tune of 150 TRILLION DOLLARS. I agree that our elected officials are all rouges and scoundrels; they should be hung by their heels like Mussolini. But that's the fault of the dupes that voted for them. Because voters get the elected officials they deserve.

We have created this
Who's "we" Kemosabe?

While this post may not seem it, I am staunchly conservative, but the civic responsibilities and involvement necessary for a strong, sustaining free enterprise system have been abandoned by the modern "Bush conservatives." And we are all paying big time for their over the top greed.
Finally some slight common ground. Bush conservatives - to my mind any oxymoron - have indeed abandoned the free market, which free market the left abandoned in the 1930s. "We" lost our freedoms a long time ago, because most sheeple are all too happy to cede their rights to the government as long as they get to abdicate their responsibilities as well. Hence the exponential growth of the entitlement state. Hence our descent into compassionate fascism. Hence twilight.

Listen, I appreciate you finally dissecting one of my posts with one of your intelligensia-babble masturbation exercises; in the interest of quid pro quo, glad I could keep you off porn for the afternoon.

He and his people would never tolerate porn.
They hate science also.

". It is the right to to be left alone; the right not to join; the right to abstain; the right to tell your neighbor to go to hell; the right to step over the bum in the street on your way to a delicious meal at a fine restaurant."

That's why there is a Republican party.
Listen, I appreciate you finally dissecting one of my posts with one of your intelligensia-babble masturbation exercises;

And I appreciate in turn your inability to formulate a reply in other than ad hominem.

in the interest of quid pro quo, glad I could keep you off porn for the afternoon.

Wrong again: I typed the whole thing with one hand.