Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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How about methane capture from over 10,000 sites in the US with more than 1,000 of cattle (milk and beef) each animal producing about 70 pounds of manure a day and pouring methane (40X worse than CO2) in to the atmosphere. I want an energy surplus so great that when the Russians, Iranians, Saudis, Venezuelans, et al misbehave, we find ourselves in the position of saying "Thanks, but we already have this covered", to whichever extraction dependent economy misbehaves across its borders.
how about seats in cars that capture and recycle gas after taco bell runs
LMAO! Or you could just follow my father around.
How about methane capture from over 10,000 sites in the US with more than 1,000 of cattle (milk and beef) each animal producing about 70 pounds of manure a day and pouring methane (40X worse than CO2) in to the atmosphere. I want an energy surplus so great that when the Russians, Iranians, Saudis, Venezuelans, et al misbehave, we find ourselves in the position of saying "Thanks, but we already have this covered", to whichever extraction dependent economy misbehaves across its borders.

How about instead of replying on cow farts they build some nice safe clean nuclear powers, like the ones that supply 40 percent of the power in France. But but but nuclear power is scary said progressives, the party of science. Didn't you see Godzilla?

Heard somewhere that Bill Gates is involved in nuclear reactor initiative involving use of liquid sodium as coolant rather than water (supposedly old technology that was sidetracked by Rickover focus on nuclear submarine reactors).
Why the hell would Trump fire Comey at this point ? There are enough conspiracy theorists out there for anything he does. This looks ridiculous
Why the hell would Trump fire Comey at this point ? There are enough conspiracy theorists out there for anything he does. This looks ridiculous

On the news today it was stated that Comey had asked for more resources to complete the investigation of Trump's ties to Russia. I guess that is a pretty good reason to fire him. It looks very bad though.
On the news today it was stated that Comey had asked for more resources to complete the investigation of Trump's ties to Russia. I guess that is a pretty good reason to fire him. It looks very bad though.

Question: if optics were a consideration couldn't he have just quietly denied the funding request? Answer: yes. Question: would the media have made just as big a stink? Answer: yes. Question: when Bill Clinton fired William Session at the recommendation of mass murderer Janet Reno did the media posit vast conspiracy theories as to why? Answer: I won't insult your intelligence by answering, but I'll quote out first black president on his decision: "It is time that this difficult chapter in the agency's history is brought to a close."
Why the hell would Trump fire Comey at this point ? There are enough conspiracy theorists out there for anything he does. This looks ridiculous

Agree. You would think the administration would want to shed the Russia story. Instead he just took gas and a match to it.
Well Sessions was fired for repeatedly misappropriating government funds for personal use. So I guess it's the same thing?
On the news today it was stated that Comey had asked for more resources to complete the investigation of Trump's ties to Russia. I guess that is a pretty good reason to fire him. It looks very bad though.

Question: if optics were a consideration couldn't he have just quietly denied the funding request? Answer: yes. Question: would the media have made just as big a stink? Answer: yes. Question: when Bill Clinton fired William Session at the recommendation of mass murderer Janet Reno did the media posit vast conspiracy theories as to why? Answer: I won't insult your intelligence by answering, but I'll quote out first black president on his decision: "It is time that this difficult chapter in the agency's history is brought to a close."

One thing that I have learned, is that when a person tries to defend the indefensible, they always bring up something from the past. Whatever Clinton, Reno, or others did during prior administrations has absolutely no bearing on our current President's behavior.
One thing that I have learned, is that when a person tries to defend the indefensible, they always bring up something from the past. Whatever Clinton, Reno, or others did during prior administrations has absolutely no bearing on our current President's behavior.

Good grief, you managed to package a lot of stupid into two sentences. No offense intended obviously. In the first place, that you think a superior firing a subordinate is "indefensible" is a tell. Because that happens every day. So absent bias, it's not indefensible, it's mundane. Your characterization of an every day occurrence as "indefensible" in the absence of nefarious motive - and those of your political persuasion have been calling for Comey's ouster for nearly a year, because people of your political persuasion have until recently blamed Comey for the repulsive Hillary Clinton's election woes - belies your bias; as opposed to my reaction, which is a shit-happens shrug. That some guy fired some other guy isn't news, absent other facts, none of which exist.

More commonly when a person tried to defend the indefensible they don't cite precedent, they lie and dissemble. People who defend the Holocaust don't cite Middle Age pogrom as justification, they claim it never happened or that the victims deserved it. People who defend slavery in the US under Millard Fillmore don't bring up the policies of Zachary Taylor. They don't say slavery should be legal because slavery was legal in Egypt. They don't say women should be denied the vote today because women were denied the vote in Macedonia. Quite the opposite: they cite antediluvian and phantasmagorical and absurd theories about genetics or phrenology. So to that extent you're talking nonsense.

And to complete the nonsense: more often when people bring up things from the past it's not to defend the incongruous or indefensible in the present, it's to defend the normalcy of the past. People who think murder is bad cite the ten commandments. People who think all people are deserving of civil rights cite the constitution or natural law. Which past is in fact what the entirety majesty of the law is based upon: that normalcy today is predicated upon what happened prior to what happened today. It's called the common law and it's the basis of civilization and society.

Other than that you make some good points.
One thing that I have learned, is that when a person tries to defend the indefensible, they always bring up something from the past. Whatever Clinton, Reno, or others did during prior administrations has absolutely no bearing on our current President's behavior.

Good grief, you managed to package a lot of stupid into two sentences. No offense intended obviously. In the first place, that you think a superior firing a subordinate is "indefensible" is a tell. Because that happens every day. So absent bias, it's not indefensible, it's mundane. Your characterization of an every day occurrence as "indefensible" in the absence of nefarious motive - and those of your political persuasion have been calling for Comey's ouster for nearly a year, because people of your political persuasion have until recently blamed Comey for the repulsive Hillary Clinton's election woes - belies your bias; as opposed to my reaction, which is a shit-happens shrug. That some guy fired some other guy isn't news, absent other facts, none of which exist.

More commonly when a person tried to defend the indefensible they don't cite precedent, they lie and dissemble. People who defend the Holocaust don't cite Middle Age pogrom as justification, they claim it never happened or that the victims deserved it. People who defend slavery in the US under Millard Fillmore don't bring up the policies of Zachary Taylor. They don't say slavery should be legal because slavery was legal in Egypt. They don't say women should be denied the vote today because women were denied the vote in Macedonia. Quite the opposite: they cite antediluvian and phantasmagorical and absurd theories about genetics or phrenology. So to that extent you're talking nonsense.

And to complete the nonsense: more often when people bring up things from the past it's not to defend the incongruous or indefensible in the present, it's to defend the normalcy of the past. People who think murder is bad cite the ten commandments. People who think all people are deserving of civil rights cite the constitution or natural law. Which past is in fact what the entirety majesty of the law is based upon: that normalcy today is predicated upon what happened prior to what happened today. It's called the common law and it's the basis of civilization and society.

Other than that you make some good points.

Have finally figured you out Fun, you have diarrhea of the pen. Nothing but Shit !!!
One thing that I have learned, is that when a person tries to defend the indefensible, they always bring up something from the past. Whatever Clinton, Reno, or others did during prior administrations has absolutely no bearing on our current President's behavior.

Good grief, you managed to package a lot of stupid into two sentences. No offense intended obviously. In the first place, that you think a superior firing a subordinate is "indefensible" is a tell. Because that happens every day. So absent bias, it's not indefensible, it's mundane. Your characterization of an every day occurrence as "indefensible" in the absence of nefarious motive - and those of your political persuasion have been calling for Comey's ouster for nearly a year, because people of your political persuasion have until recently blamed Comey for the repulsive Hillary Clinton's election woes - belies your bias; as opposed to my reaction, which is a shit-happens shrug. That some guy fired some other guy isn't news, absent other facts, none of which exist.

More commonly when a person tried to defend the indefensible they don't cite precedent, they lie and dissemble. People who defend the Holocaust don't cite Middle Age pogrom as justification, they claim it never happened or that the victims deserved it. People who defend slavery in the US under Millard Fillmore don't bring up the policies of Zachary Taylor. They don't say slavery should be legal because slavery was legal in Egypt. They don't say women should be denied the vote today because women were denied the vote in Macedonia. Quite the opposite: they cite antediluvian and phantasmagorical and absurd theories about genetics or phrenology. So to that extent you're talking nonsense.

And to complete the nonsense: more often when people bring up things from the past it's not to defend the incongruous or indefensible in the present, it's to defend the normalcy of the past. People who think murder is bad cite the ten commandments. People who think all people are deserving of civil rights cite the constitution or natural law. Which past is in fact what the entirety majesty of the law is based upon: that normalcy today is predicated upon what happened prior to what happened today. It's called the common law and it's the basis of civilization and society.

Other than that you make some good points.

If you were half as wise as you insist, I would truly be impressed. No offense intended, obviously.
Why the hell would Trump fire Comey at this point ? There are enough conspiracy theorists out there for anything he does. This looks ridiculous

Agree. You would think the administration would want to shed the Russia story. Instead he just took gas and a match to it.

What Russia story, you mean the one rivaling Santa Claus for credibility? Must be nice to actually live in a fantasy.
Have finally figured you out Fun, you have diarrhea of the pen. Nothing but Shit !!!

It sometimes takes me several paragraphs to explain myself because I apply logic and reason to facts. It's called thinking critically and you should try it sometime, as opposed to the knee jerk political hackery you and your ilk display. I could I suppose rely solely on sanctimony, name calling and and exclamation points!!!! - the left's rhetorical go to's - but I don't find them compelling.
Regardless of your politics, the following two facts will effectively ensure more doubt, instability, hate and division.

*]eff Sessions and Donald Trump being in charge of hiring the next FBI Director

*Kris Kobach heading the new Commission on Election Integrity.
Regardless of your politics, the following two facts will effectively ensure more doubt, instability, hate and division.

*]eff Sessions and Donald Trump being in charge of hiring the next FBI Director

*Kris Kobach heading the new Commission on Election Integrity.

Regardless of your politics, a guy with four degrees from Harvard, Yale and Oxford being appointed to a commission will insure hatred.

Stupider things have been said, but not recently.
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