Nov 8, 2016 - The lesser of two evils?

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How about this (and I mean the Washington Post)?

Anyone who thinks Trump understands or is even interested methods of intelligence gathering is delusional. Meanwhile:

"Seth Rich -- the Democratic National Committee staffer who was gunned down in Northwest D.C. near his home last July -- leaked thousands of DNC emails to WikiLeaks in the months beforehand."

Vince Foster was unavailable for comment,
How about this (and I mean the Washington Post)?

Anyone who thinks Trump understands or is even interested methods of intelligence gathering is delusional. Meanwhile:

"Seth Rich -- the Democratic National Committee staffer who was gunned down in Northwest D.C. near his home last July -- leaked thousands of DNC emails to WikiLeaks in the months beforehand."

Vince Foster was unavailable for comment,

Somebody get Shawn Lucas on the line!
Regardless of your politics, the following two facts will effectively ensure more doubt, instability, hate and division.

*]eff Sessions and Donald Trump being in charge of hiring the next FBI Director

*Kris Kobach heading the new Commission on Election Integrity.

Regardless of your politics, a guy with four degrees from Harvard, Yale and Oxford being appointed to a commission will insure hatred.

Stupider things have been said, but not recently.

Sorry you thought that was stupid. By the way, I wasn't aware you could insure hate. Are the premiums high?
Sorry you thought that was stupid.

Stupid was me being kind.

By the way, I wasn't aware you could insure hate. Are the premiums high?

I bet you thought that was a real gotcha, huh.

Definition of insure

1: to provide or obtain insurance on or for

2: to make certain especially by taking necessary measures and precautions

Oopsie daisy.
How about this (and I mean the Washington Post)?

Anyone who thinks Trump understands or is even interested methods of intelligence gathering is delusional. Meanwhile:

"Seth Rich -- the Democratic National Committee staffer who was gunned down in Northwest D.C. near his home last July -- leaked thousands of DNC emails to WikiLeaks in the months beforehand."

Vince Foster was unavailable for comment,

I wonder if there's a connection between Seth Rich and those democrat IT staffers that were fired for stealing data. The other story the liberal media has ignored. If only they were Russian
JFAN is one of my favorite posters and I have a ton of shit opinions ( yeah I worded it that way on purpose ) and I voted for Trump and I dont like maybe guessing 75% of what he is doing ( better than hating 100% with Hillarjail )

That being said. Trump is a fucking idiot. I also am totally sure he didnt do anything wrong other than misjudgment because of the links my leftist friends post like occupy democrats and impeachdnoaldnow

but everything isBS as far as I can tell
JFAN is one of my favorite posters and I have a ton of shit opinions ( yeah I worded it that way on purpose ) and I voted for Trump and I dont like maybe guessing 75% of what he is doing ( better than hating 100% with Hillarjail )

That being said. Trump is a fucking idiot. I also am totally sure he didnt do anything wrong other than misjudgment because of the links my leftist friends post like occupy democrats and impeachdnoaldnow

but everything isBS as far as I can tell

Agreed. The left has to stop comparing every single Trump gaffe to Watergate. And Trump simply has to stop being idiot. He puts it on a platter and Dems turn it into "Breaking News". It's every freakin' day!
I wonder if there's a connection between Seth Rich and those democrat IT staffers that were fired for stealing data. The other story the liberal media has ignored. If only they were Russian

Seth Rich, DNC staffer who allegedly leaked emails to WikiLeaks: dead

Gavin MacFadyen, Rich's contact at WikiLeaks who received the DNC emails: dead.

Shawn Lucas, who served process in a suit alleging collusion between the Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC and the Clinton campaign: dead.

On the other hand the recently fired Pakistani IT workers who had access to highly classified materials through their employment by DW Schultz and other Dims and who accepted "loans" from an Iraqi fugitive from US justice with ties to Hezbollah, they're still alive. So to that extent there doesn't seem to be a connection. But it's only 9 AM and we live in a dangerous world.
JFAN is one of my favorite posters and I have a ton of shit opinions ( yeah I worded it that way on purpose ) and I voted for Trump and I dont like maybe guessing 75% of what he is doing ( better than hating 100% with Hillarjail )

That being said. Trump is a fucking idiot. I also am totally sure he didnt do anything wrong other than misjudgment because of the links my leftist friends post like occupy democrats and impeachdnoaldnow

but everything isBS as far as I can tell

I would disagree that Trump is an idiot. Despite Pocahontas declaring Trump got rich by stealing (while she literally got rich by stealing deeds from homeowners by buying tax liens and then seizing properties), Trump got wealthy by making overwhelmingly good business decisions. That being said he is a total neophyte in how government works, and speaks before conferring with those who do. Liberal media and pols have been calling for his ouster since before inauguration and that will not stop, even when he does something overwhelmingly good.

He is crude at times, inarticulate, and will stumble through much of his first term. However, I think the critical decisions he will make will benefit all Americans.

On the note of the Trump haters, isn't it really amazing how the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, and "Black Lives Matter" movement both died in early November? Isn't it amazing that once blacks were of little value to the Dems because elections were over, the activists went home? Isn't it amazing that the crazies who protested on Wall Street and around the nation went home? Instead, liberals funded the women's movement protests, which is comical considering the % of women who voted for Trump.

Liberals are continuing to play to their base against the middle and the right. I hope they keep it up because it will cause another election failure for them. Maybe they shoudl pay the Russians to tilt the elections their way, or start paying Comey to be their spokesperson since he stole the election for Trump also.

Funny times. The liberals who are worked up right now are the sheep. The higher up operatives know their only chance is to keep the sheep worked up, and change a few minds in the middle. The party operatives are not worked up in the least. Their job as they see it, is to be obstructionist in all ways, and to keep the negative Trump soundbites alive each and every day. Instead they are solidifying Trump's hold on the electorate. Because of this, and because Hillary declared herself "part of the resistance" (sounds treasonous to me) Trump would now win the popular vote 43% to 40%. Thank you George Soros. Thank you Chuck Schumer.
JFAN is one of my favorite posters and I have a ton of shit opinions ( yeah I worded it that way on purpose ) and I voted for Trump and I dont like maybe guessing 75% of what he is doing ( better than hating 100% with Hillarjail )

That being said. Trump is a fucking idiot. I also am totally sure he didnt do anything wrong other than misjudgment because of the links my leftist friends post like occupy democrats and impeachdnoaldnow

but everything isBS as far as I can tell

I would disagree that Trump is an idiot.

You're wrong.
JFAN is one of my favorite posters and I have a ton of shit opinions ( yeah I worded it that way on purpose ) and I voted for Trump and I dont like maybe guessing 75% of what he is doing ( better than hating 100% with Hillarjail )

That being said. Trump is a fucking idiot. I also am totally sure he didnt do anything wrong other than misjudgment because of the links my leftist friends post like occupy democrats and impeachdnoaldnow

but everything isBS as far as I can tell

Agreed. The left has to stop comparing every single Trump gaffe to Watergate. And Trump simply has to stop being idiot. He puts it on a platter and Dems turn it into "Breaking News". It's every freakin' day!

Moreover, where was the liberal outrage about "fake news" published by the Washington Post about Trump divulging classified information to the Russians (yet again)? Where was the Post when classified information was being sent from a basement private server? etc… etc … It seems it is the media that has allowed Russia to succeed in interfering with domestic politics. Anyhow it's best just to ignore them now (they are in such dire straits).

Overall what I feel is happening is the systematic undermining of NOT Mr. Trump that is the real danger ... But the institution called the democratically elected American Presidency.

Tend to disagree. What's happening is a temper tantrum by the democrat party and its media toadies, who are horrified by the idea that the hoi polloi have expressed a political opinion with which they disagree despite having been repeatedly instructed by their betters that their political and cultural beliefs are stupid and primitive. Consider: four months into his presidency Barack "Turns out I'm really good at killing people" Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, not for anything he did but for what he represented. Trump has been awarded a special counsel for the same reason. Not because of anything he's done but because he represents ideas - American exceptionalism; American sovereignty; economic and personal liberty - that the left finds abhorrent. The irony is that Trump doesn't believe half the things he said during the campaign and the other half is negotiable.
Any chance you guys support reasonable policy, but this particular individual who is president is unfit? Life is not all black and white.

Fun calling me a moron in 3.....2....1....

Overall what I feel is happening is the systematic undermining of NOT Mr. Trump that is the real danger ... But the institution called the democratically elected American Presidency.

Tend to disagree. What's happening is a temper tantrum by the democrat party and its media toadies, who are horrified by the idea that the hoi polloi have expressed a political opinion with which they disagree despite having been repeatedly instructed by their betters that their political and cultural beliefs are stupid and primitive. Consider: four months into his presidency Barack "Turns out I'm really good at killing people" Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize, not for anything he did but for what he represented. Trump has been awarded a special counsel for the same reason. Not because of anything he's done but because he represents ideas - American exceptionalism; American sovereignty; economic and personal liberty - that the left finds abhorrent. The irony is that Trump doesn't believe half the things he said during the campaign and the other half is negotiable.

Precisely what i mean. This isn't about Trump and what he says or does but rather the ideology of American exceptionalism is repugnant to the left/liberals. In contrast, Obama enshrines their ideology (multiculturalism, moral relativism (or post modernism perversion that allows killing to be justified), open borders, [not so] free trade, the striving for social progress and on and on. Based on this, if you do not fit their ideology, we couldn't care less how much democratic institutions are undermined because it is about them...
Any chance you guys support reasonable policy, but this particular individual who is president is unfit? Life is not all black and white.

Fun calling me a moron in 3.....2....1....
These days, one person's reasonable policy is another person's extremism
Any chance you guys support reasonable policy, but this particular individual who is president is unfit? Life is not all black and white.

Fun calling me a moron in 3.....2....1....
These days, one person's reasonable policy is another person's extremism

Or stated differently, perhaps it is more instructive to suggest what reasonable policy or policies you have in mind: open borders, free trade, Obamacare like healthcare insurance, appropriate taxation, gun control, etc etc?
Any chance you guys support reasonable policy, but this particular individual who is president is unfit? Life is not all black and white.

Fun calling me a moron in 3.....2....1....
These days, one person's reasonable policy is another person's extremism

Or stated differently, perhaps it is more instructive to suggest what reasonable policy or policies you have in mind: open borders, free trade, Obamacare like healthcare insurance, appropriate taxation, gun control, etc etc?

I am suggesting one might separate their policy aspirations from the evaluation of this president.
I should probably clarify my opinions on my last post. I'm for most deregulation ( not all ) I'm not qualified enough to talk about his healthcare proposal ( actually the house version ) I think his 1 page tax proposal is moronic ( I totally get that he is going to ask for more with the intention to settle in between which I respect ) I had a huge problem with the Comey firing.I think Spicer is over his head not personally but because Trump and insiders are such loose cannons. I freaking despise his tweets but I guess people love him for that too

My main thing is why give the far left ( way left of Jfan who is quite reasonable ) but why give the far left all this ammunition. Win the fucking middle for crying out loud.

There is zero doubt in my mind that any Russia shit won't get back to Trump personally but jesus WTF. There is such a chance to accomplish great things. Especially if you separate biz tax from personal and work out repatriation but also simplify personal tax code but make it revenue neutral. None of this typical bs of we will grow the economy to pay for the cuts. It's fucking such bs. but damn he has a chance to transform this country. I'm all for what he is doing with trade. Love his approach with china
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