JFAN is one of my favorite posters and I have a ton of shit opinions ( yeah I worded it that way on purpose ) and I voted for Trump and I dont like maybe guessing 75% of what he is doing ( better than hating 100% with Hillarjail )
That being said. Trump is a fucking idiot. I also am totally sure he didnt do anything wrong other than misjudgment because of the links my leftist friends post like occupy democrats and impeachdnoaldnow
but everything isBS as far as I can tell
I would disagree that Trump is an idiot. Despite Pocahontas declaring Trump got rich by stealing (while she literally got rich by stealing deeds from homeowners by buying tax liens and then seizing properties), Trump got wealthy by making overwhelmingly good business decisions. That being said he is a total neophyte in how government works, and speaks before conferring with those who do. Liberal media and pols have been calling for his ouster since before inauguration and that will not stop, even when he does something overwhelmingly good.
He is crude at times, inarticulate, and will stumble through much of his first term. However, I think the critical decisions he will make will benefit all Americans.
On the note of the Trump haters, isn't it really amazing how the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, and "Black Lives Matter" movement both died in early November? Isn't it amazing that once blacks were of little value to the Dems because elections were over, the activists went home? Isn't it amazing that the crazies who protested on Wall Street and around the nation went home? Instead, liberals funded the women's movement protests, which is comical considering the % of women who voted for Trump.
Liberals are continuing to play to their base against the middle and the right. I hope they keep it up because it will cause another election failure for them. Maybe they shoudl pay the Russians to tilt the elections their way, or start paying Comey to be their spokesperson since he stole the election for Trump also.
Funny times. The liberals who are worked up right now are the sheep. The higher up operatives know their only chance is to keep the sheep worked up, and change a few minds in the middle. The party operatives are not worked up in the least. Their job as they see it, is to be obstructionist in all ways, and to keep the negative Trump soundbites alive each and every day. Instead they are solidifying Trump's hold on the electorate. Because of this, and because Hillary declared herself "part of the resistance" (sounds treasonous to me) Trump would now win the popular vote 43% to 40%. Thank you George Soros. Thank you Chuck Schumer.