I should probably clarify my opinions on my last post. I'm for most deregulation ( not all ) I'm not qualified enough to talk about his healthcare proposal ( actually the house version ) I think his 1 page tax proposal is moronic ( I totally get that he is going to ask for more with the intention to settle in between which I respect ) I had a huge problem with the Comey firing.I think Spicer is over his head not personally but because Trump and insiders are such loose cannons. I freaking despise his tweets but I guess people love him for that too
My main thing is why give the far left ( way left of Jfan who is quite reasonable ) but why give the far left all this ammunition. Win the fucking middle for crying out loud.
There is zero doubt in my mind that any Russia shit won't get back to Trump personally but jesus WTF. There is such a chance to accomplish great things. Especially if you separate biz tax from personal and work out repatriation but also simplify personal tax code but make it revenue neutral. None of this typical bs of we will grow the economy to pay for the cuts. It's fucking such bs. but damn he has a chance to transform this country. I'm all for what he is doing with trade. Love his approach with china
MJ.....we can talk. I am on board with your entire last paragraph. Just get Trump out of office and some of those initiatives get done. Of course, traditional Republicans would still have to make deals with Tea Party Republicans (admittedly a challenge these days), but without Trump you get rid of the daily circus.
Someone should talk to him about resigning. Come up with a story that feeds his ego. Tell him he can resign and declare that he has successfully changed the landscape of politics. Convince him he is a champion and send him on his way. It wouldn't have been my choice, but I could roll with Pence.
P.S......can't believe you're a flip phone guy. Didn't see that one coming.