No issue with Buck'a frustration. But fwiw we are all-in on the Mullin regime. The administration and fans all wanted this. Lavin was completely blindsided and pushed out by Mullin, the administration and many of fans who were aware CM was positioning himself for this job.
When you're all in you don't cash out when the payout is shit. We'd be foolish to give up on CM now. Get him some help in the form of an experienced NBA level assistant. A guy who breathes basketball and lost his family because he got too caught up in the job in the past. Find me someone with that cred for the love of God!
I have to respectfully disagree on one point Sirvoo, there were people who didn't want Lavin gone. It's obviously not an issue any more & yes I agree, everyone either was (or is) pulling for Mullin to succeed. But I know several fans who would have preferred that we had kept Lavin & were not happy with the Mullin hiring for the exact reason people are now bringing up (the fear of the Drexler in Houston thing happening). You make a good point about being foolish to give up on him now, all we can do is hope that this group turns it around & fast. This board, if it's not there already, will be in full meltdown mode if we lose to Tulane and/or Cal St. Northridge, in my opinion.
Very true I was speaking in general terms RE: Lavin but there definitely was a contingent who did not want him sacked. Also he didn't leave the cupboard as dry as many may think. Jordan would've stayed(and likely wouldn't be in jail until a later date). Also B Sampson and CO.
I'm in that contingent on Lavin. Lavin made my college experience great with his tenure. I do have a soft spot for him.
That's adorable. But Lavin was a fraud and an embarassment, and if you can't see that then youve fallen for his dog and pony show, in which case there is little chance logic or reason will change your misguided opinion.
In short, Lavin is everything wrong with this world. Self absorbed, lazy, and lacking in substance. He is a salesman for himself, and found excuses for everything that happened to him.
If he was so self absorbed and lacking substance why did he cancel leaving meetings in atlantic city back to new york to meet people and instead very low key went to visit Jordan in prison when not 1 news outlet knew about it ( this its a mjmaher exclusive ).
He literally decided on a whim to cut off all plans and went to visit Jordan without more than an hour or 2 notice because he wanted to see how he was doing and if his family was ok
That is a great anecdote Mike. And it shows that he has a heart. But he did this after his coaching days were over.
While he was here he used his players and own tragedies as an excuse whenever he could. That info didn't need to be made public. And he lacked the substance of a basketball coach. Every loss he explained away with bs. "Well we didn't have enough moxy today, I thought we brought an adjustable wrench to the game but it was rusty". Wtf does that even mean? His explanation one game included a reference to Robin hood, I kid you not.
That said, I've never questioned if he has a spot in his heart for his players. It's everything else I have a problem with.