Unfortunately there is no way that Desco will allow Huggins to be coach.
You are correct Paul, I think Huggie should wear a shirt and tie too.
But, I will grant him some slack because Morgantown has just a slightly more relaxed sense of fashion than NYC.
But also, Huggins has been doing it for a long time. Lavin wore a suit at UCLA, wore a suit for ESPN, but then he comes to SJU and thinks everyday is casual Friday. That's what pisses me off most of all.
The no tie look is actually a fishion trend. You may not like it but that is a fact. Many coaches have started doing it and you now see it in places where it would have never been dreamed of in the past. Lavin is actually a trend setter in that sense.
Who else? Mike Brey, Huggins... ?
And I still say that it's more about Lavin's respect for the job. Do you think he would've ever tried to stop wearing a suit at ESPN? No, they would've told him to shut up and do his job.
But I take this act as an insult towards St Johns.
I know I'm probably crazy about this though, so I admit it's a pet peeve, not something that should actually be held against coach.
Were you equally upset when Looie was wearing sweaters?