Unfortunately there is no way that Desco will allow Huggins to be coach.
You are correct Paul, I think Huggie should wear a shirt and tie too.
But, I will grant him some slack because Morgantown has just a slightly more relaxed sense of fashion than NYC.
But also, Huggins has been doing it for a long time. Lavin wore a suit at UCLA, wore a suit for ESPN, but then he comes to SJU and thinks everyday is casual Friday. That's what pisses me off most of all.
The no tie look is actually a fishion trend. You may not like it but that is a fact. Many coaches have started doing it and you now see it in places where it would have never been dreamed of in the past. Lavin is actually a trend setter in that sense.
Who else? Mike Brey, Huggins... ?
And I still say that it's more about Lavin's respect for the job. Do you think he would've ever tried to stop wearing a suit at ESPN? No, they would've told him to shut up and do his job.
But I take this act as an insult towards St Johns.
I know I'm probably crazy about this though, so I admit it's a pet peeve, not something that should actually be held against coach.
Were you equally upset when Looie was wearing sweaters?
i think Desco is one of the young posters like me...
Please see my post above - can the older posters please let us know what the thoughts were of Louie's sweaters?
I actually have one of Looie's sweaters that he gave to my family, but Avon is right. I'm 32, so I only remember the tail-end of Lou's career.
That said, it was LC's trademark. I have less of a problem with that than I do with Lavin who I think doesn't take his job seriously, and may try to get away with things he wouldn't dare do at UCLA or ESPN.
part of the problem is SJU has let Lavin and his staff run a muck - he has ZERO accountability and ZERO backlash for anything he does.
thankfully the right people have taken notice of this act and the party's gonna be over very, very soon.
Out of curiosity/lack of knowledge, how have Lavin and his staff run amok w/o any accountability or backlash? If you don't feel comfortable sharing here, would appreciate a pm.
Why do you appease him?
I'm not following.
When's the extension coming?