Let's understand what Lavin is... he is a mediocre coach in most respects. And let's remember a larger truth -- most people are mediocre at their jobs.
His game coaching is as bad as advertised. It's almost embarrassing when the cameras show our huddle and the microphone picks up the useless palaver that Lavin is spouting. It's like he's coaching middle school. His constant use of timeouts to stop our runs is mind-boggling
His recruiting is far worse than advertised. He has recruited worse than Jarvis did (look at the results, who actually showed up on campus and played) -- and Jarvis was a lazy recruiter. His reputation as a recruiting wiz is wildly out of synch with reality.
He is a good spokesman for the program and the university, so as a public face he is effective -- far better than anyone since Looie in that regard.
Sometimes I think he is a good motivator, but he's only mediocre... as soon as this team tastes even a little success it takes its foot off the gas. Witness the lat two games, which were embarrassments as well as the start to the BE season. So he's not a good motivator. He gets the guys up when their backs are to the wall -- but its easy to motivate in that situation.
So he is mediocre. That's who he is -- that's our coach. We can do worse -- and we have (Mahoney, Roberts). But we can do better -- and we have (HoFers Looie and Lapchick). Lavin is on par with Fraschilla and slightly better than Jarvis.
But in fairness, let's remember that we could have done worse than Lavin in 2010 after we fired Roberts. Remember when Paul Hewitt was our top choice (after the Donovan pipe dream)? He turned us down, and now he's a disaster with Mason in the A-10.
On balance, if I was making the call, I'd probably extend Lavin without a raise. He makes plenty of money for what he delivers. There is no natural successor candidate out there. Either of the Hurleys would be looking for a new job the second they stepped on campus, I'll pass on Masiello, and McKillop is too old. Maybe you can talk me into Braica or Cluess in a year or two, but they haven't gotten over the hump in their own conferences. So I'd stick with Lavin for now, realizing that he's more style than substance.
In short, when the teams wins and plays well, people here are inclined to extend him. When we get blown out in a single game, no less two, the pendulum shifts, the criticism intensifies, and in his case, nothing about him has been off limits - not his wife, not his cancer, not his morals, not his ethics, not his diligence, intelligence, recruiting, coaching, NOTHING. It's why if anyone reads my posts, even after going 7-1 and seemingly securing an NCAA berth, I tempered my enthusiasm to say let's wait it out. The season STILL isn't over yet, so let's wait it out. Plenty of time to think about his suitability to coach after the balls have been put away