Five years of results, which include this year, that are a heck of a lot better than the recent past.
Good point. Being better than Norm Roberts should be the measure by which all basketball coaches are judged. No flaws in that argument. none.
I'm sorry, but I'm not suggesting that Norm Roberts is the benchmark. Please don't twist my words. I love this school as much as anybody, but if you haven't noticed that the program has lost its luster sine Louie left, then I needn't even bother responding.
The fact of the matter is that until Lavin took over, we'd only made the NCAA tournament once this decade. Before Roberts was hired, there was talk about the University scrapping the basketball team ala NYU and City College. The school then decided to hire Norm Roberts at a cut rate salary. By all accounts, Norm was a good man who did a lot to clean up the program. Unfortunately, however, he was not a good coach and he did little to enhance the program's image as a bonafide NCAA contender, let alone powerhouse.
For reasons that have been discussed a thousand times on this Board and wholly unrelated to Norm and Jarvis, it has been increasingly difficult for the school to attract top prospects (e.g., loss of stipend, decline in NY high school basketball, increasing tendency of prospects to go away to school, breakup of the former Big East, etc).
This was the backdrop under which Lavin took over. Now let's look at the results Lavin has achieved:
- We've consistently landed upper-echelon recruits and been the finalist for numerous others. We haven't been in the conversation with kids like these for years, let alone landed them.
- Barring a total meltdown this year, we'll have made the NCAA Tournament two of the four years for which Lavin has coached and been a bubble team in the other two years.
- We have won 20 games or more in consecutive years for the first time in 10 years. We've won 20 games or more in three of the four years in which Lavin has coached.
- By all accounts, Lavin has recruited good kids who are graduating.
Now Lavin took the job with a tremendous amount of fanfare. We made the NCAA tournament his first year and he landed a stellar recruiting class. Following the first year of Lavin's tenure, all of us on this board had our expectations raised dramatically.
Has Lavin met our enhanced expectations? No. Nobody could have anticipated the cancer. Nobody could have anticipated the eligibility issues, which clearly Lavin and company deserve a fair amount of the blame for. Nobody could have anticipated Harkless leaving after one year and Samspon leaving after two.
Do I have concerns about next year's class or lack thereof? Absolutely. Do I have blind faith that Lavin with pull a rabbit out of his hat? No way. Do I think that Lavin has suddenly forgotten or grown too lazy to recruit? Also, no way.
I think it's important to do our best to view Lavin's past work and potential going forward with an objective eye.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course. It is my humble opinion that considering where we were when he took over, Lavin has made monumental progress.
If you have a realistic candidate in mind who you truly believe can take us to the next level (i.e., on par with Vilanova), I'm all ears. My vote is to stay the course with Lavin. Let's give him a two year extension with a modest buyout and reevaluate in two years.