Shut it down shut it down. Let the grumpy old men bitch and moan on their own, somewhere else. Coach and the team has got us to the tourney. Delete this pathetic thread.
I am old, grumpy, well according to my wife, big time , but I fail to understand why it is not ok to feel and express that Lavin has accomplished too little in his 5 years here to renew him. I understand disagreeing and supporting Lavin, I have no problem with that at all, those opinions are as valid as mine. I also understand not knocking him at this point in time which I at least, have backed off of. I also have backed off of posting because of the inane theory by many on the board that not supporting Lavin means you don't support or root for the team. Ok, so be it, I will temper my posting, who really cares? But I have been a Johnnies fan for half a century and even if I were the only poster not in favor of Lavin, why can't I post that? Disagree, post why I am wrong but to censor what can or can't be posted is ridiculous. I could make a very strong argument that Pointer is to Lavin this year what Cain was to Mahoney his first year and how did that work out? But this post is not to knock Lavin; whether I think it was because of Pointer, or the blind squirrel theory, or whatever, Lavin HAS done a good job with this team. Regardless of whether they make the tournament or not, they ARE a demonstrably better team than last year. If anyone thinks that is enough to extend him, OK, express that. But I should have the same opportunity to dissent as long as it is done within the rules Paul has established. That is what a free exchange of ideas is all about. And for all those who think I will be traumatized should Lavin be extended, I will be right here, rooting and posting it as I see it. I may be wrong in my views as others see it but from where I sit that is what makes this site fantastic.
There's a difference between critics like you, and those with an agenda that clearly has nothing to do with the team or actual coaching.
I'm a strong Lavin supporter, but I also may be wrong in my views, and I hope I can - like you - critically observe and if necessary change my opinion.
Speaking for myself, I welcome critics like you. I would be quite frightened (and despair for the world!) if everyone I spoke to agreed with me.
It is the others, the visceral haters, that, in my opinion, detract from this board, that I'd like to see gone.
Back under their rock, I say!!
Hear, hear!