[quote="SLYFOXX1968" post=300202][quote="MCNPA" post=300199][quote="JohnnyFan" post=300193][quote="bamafan" post=300183]Wow in one shot he is gesticulating and in the other he actually has his eyes open. Either he is doing some actual coaching or a pretty good imitation.

Exactly, so what. A guy who is filling an AC position
(and providing Matt with no support) waived his arms and got excited during a game. Declaring this a breakthrough is essentially lowering the bar of expectation. Wake me up when we have someone in that position who fulfills all the responsibilities. Until then, thank God for Matt who is the only reason we have an exciting season in front of us. #Truth[/quote]
I’m in total agreement here. If he’s not out recruiting hard, and has zero coaching experience, he isn’t helping do what we need a person in that position to do. Not even close. Mullin is our inexperienced coach who doesn’t recruit. We don’t need 2 guys like that. Mullin should be surrounding himself with people who have experience coaching and recruiting NCAA college basketball. We are hamstringing ourselves. Make him some “special advisor” like Keady, and get a real AHC and recruiter in here. It’s not even a matter of conjecture. He’s not doing what we need a high level assistant to be doing. It’s
Obvious that Mullin and Richmond’s reputation from their heyday isn’t bringing the prizes recruits in... Elbow grease by Matt is![/quote]. Matt A is a Assistant Coach too, isn’t he ? Everyone agrees Matt is the Principal Recruiter , right ? When Matt isn’t Recruiting is he at Practice working on drills , individual Player improvement, Coaching the Skins vs the Shirts ? The answer to that is not likely . Mullin selected Barry Rohrseen as his AC and prized Recruit Staff . It didn’t work out .. Mullin is responsible for that mistake . Rohrseen is still being paid a lot of money for not being here . Is it possible the President of the School did not want another mid 6 figure Salary on the BB Program budget , while still paying Barry ? It is possible , isn’t it ? And , who , besides the Posters who are inflamed , decides what Mitch Richmond should be doing ? Mike Zaun? The last time I looked Mike wasn’t being a paid BB staffer . All of this Board stuff is the individuals opinion, not St John’s Policy . On Basketball or Academics . I’m very happy having Matt A do his job and Mitch Richmond do his . The Season is shortly underway , expectations are high , let’s focus on the Play on the Court and leave the off season sniping alone .[/quote]
I don’t agree. High level assistants need to be recruiting. We don’t need a high level assistant with no coaching experience to run shirts vs skins games nor work on free throw form. We need a recruiter to bring players in. Mitch gets targeted because there certainly are expectations of the top assists, and they don’t include disappearing during the summer while Matt tries to be everywhere. Practice all the free throws you want... talent wins ball games. If we are going to be good this year it is in majority due to the fact that Matt landed all of the talent. All of it..