Logging In

Interesting that the issue is only on my IPhone. Computers are good. Just to note, I use Google on the computers and Safari on my IPhone. Maybe I should switch my IPhone to default to Google?
Having same issues on iphone on safari google chrome and firefox
Paul, I'm not complaining. I'm just letting you know what I had to do to log on so that you might get some insight as to what may be wrong. Thank you again for all that you do.
No problem I do need feedback. But you make it too complicated. Start by taking redmen.com out of the process. You can start at the forum home page: https://red.fans/quad
Same as Bamafan, unable to log in on Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Duck Duck Go. Only gets through on DDG on Android phone
No problem I do need feedback. But you make it too complicated. Start by taking redmen.com out of the process. You can start at the forum home page: https://red.fans/quad
Thanks, Paul. That was the creative way that I had to get on this morning but then I couldn't get back on. I cleared my cache and now I was able to get back on. I'll keep trying that for now.
Thanks, Paul. That was the creative way that I had to get on this morning but then I couldn't get back on. I cleared my cache and now I was able to get back on. I'll keep trying that for now.
you can also run the forum as an app on iphone. pretty simple to do and you'll have an icon on your phone home screen/desktop

go to the forums link in the menu and "Install the app" this is for iphone not desktop /laptop computer
I'm in the Forums area on the menu but sure don't see any drop down for Install the app and I need to clear cache each login to get to the site
Safari seems to be a major issue for people (mine crapped back out today), but unlike some others, chrome has been reliable for me. Fingers crossed . . .
Can't get site on phone (Google or Chrome). Instead get "Your conversation is not private. This site is not secure. ..." As a non-techie, I have no idea what I should do next.
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Laptop & desk top work with absolutely no problem. On I-phone I generally have to clear the history to get access. For me, no problem because I prefer laptop to phone anyway.
Just wanted to share feedback, I've never once had any of the issues others are reporting here. I'm using chrome browser on Microsoft Windows laptop, and also using chrome browser on Android phone.
Just wanted to share feedback, I've never once had any of the issues others are reporting here. I'm using chrome browser on Microsoft Windows laptop, and also using chrome browser on Android phone.
Room112 now receiving death threats from everyone older than 50
I don't want any death threats either, but I've only been using my 5 yr old Android using the redfans app and have not had any issues. I've not logged in on my desktop in a while.
Apple user and haven’t been able to log on for 3 days now. Evenproblems being on right now still !